escribeHOST 7.72
Friday, March 28th, 2025Reports
- Add Employer column to User Analytics
- Add identifying patient demographics to Orders Overview
- Add Provider NPI to Orders Overview
Patient Notification
- Add ability to notify all patients scheduled on a certain date via SMS/email/phone
- Allow restricting notification by provider and appointment location
- Allow editing survey templates
Chronic Care Charge Processing
- Sort grid by upload datetime
- Rename Chronic Care Management order type
escribeHOST 7.71
Thursday, March 6th, 2025Meds Queue
- Do not allow preparing obsolete drugs for Quick Send
- Record date/time for first time viewing a task, and most recent time viewing a task
- Add Send Message to Billing Department button and add entries to activity log
- Add optional comment to Request Appointment
- Supress launch FastAuth icon until a status other than Approved or No Auth Required is received from FastAuth
- Standardize the order and patient identification columns in Cardiac Device reports
- Standardize presence of device information columns in Cardiac Device reports
- Add Secondary ICD-10 code to Cardiac Device reports
Patient Info
- Warn if phone number is modified after an appointment reminder created for previous phone number
Task User Groups
- Display list of TUGs in Users view
Billing Forms
- Add default units, modifiers, and ICD-10 codes to CPT codes
- Add CPTs column in Create Billing Form
- Sort templates by name
- Allow deleting billing form templates
Cardiac Devices
- Display Patient Status (e.g.: Deceased) in Cardiac Signals
Chronic Care Order Upload
- Add link to matched patient
- Allow empty CPT and Secondary ICD-10 columns
- Add General Comment column
- Optionally allow removing a role without removing associated permissions
escribeHOST 7.70
Thursday, February 13th, 2025Tentative Patients
- Add Tentative Patients admin page to manage tentative patients
- Allow confirmation, archive, unarchive of Tentative Patients
- Add indicator in patient charts for Tentative Patient and Archived
- Add potential duplicate patient notice in Add Patient, Create Patient from Transmission, New Task
Billing Forms
- Add CPT groups with custom names
- Allow custom descriptions of CPT code groups
PSR Metrics
- Add Hourly Counts report
Audit Log
- Add details for Create Appointment entries
Chronic Care Order Upload
- Add admin page Chronic Care Order Upload
- Allow batch order creation for chronic care management
escribeHOST 7.69
Thursday, January 16th, 2025Allergies Export
- Add admin page: Allergies Export
- Add Created By column to Med Concerns grid
- Add new order type: Chronic Care Management
- Allow empty CPT and ICD10 codes in Chronic Care Management orders
Dicom Studies
- Open Study Details popup on row click
- Show image preview in Study Details
Cardiac Devices
- Add option to mark devices as Explanted
Cardiac Devices Analytics
- Add quarterly unique patients counts
Appointment Reminders
- Add appointment reminder history to patient charts
Entry Form Data Export
- Combine all results into single CSV
Billing Forms
- Add ICD-10 codes to multiple CPT codes
- Add modifiers for CPT codes
Audit Log
- Add audit log entries for editing Reports Config
Tentative Patients
- Allow creating tentative patient from tasks
- Do not return tentative patients in patient search
escribeHOST 7.68
Thursday, December 12th, 2024Dicom Viewer
- Use latest version of OHIF to display Echos properly
Audit Log
- Allow filtering by PHR users
- Improve styling on Admin navigation menu
- Add Lab Results Export admin section
CPT Codes
- Add new CPT code: 0623T - Plaque Analysis
- Sort Patient Reported Vitals by measurement date
- Add Download and Print for Patient Reported Vitals
- Add new document sources for PHR, Scan Upload and Sane Card Scanner
escribeHOST 7.67
Thursday, November 21st, 2024Patient Charts
- Add chart section names to left navigation bar
- Add new report Appointments Rescheduled by User
Chronic Care Charge Processing
- Add charge counts to batch selection and batch view
- Add human readable errors for missing columns
- Show schedule assignment in Add Appointment Reason field
Problems Export
- Allow selecting multiple ICD-10 codes for export
Chart Activity Timings
- Add entries for Dicom Studies, Quality Measures and Billing chart sections
Audit Log
- Allow filtering by PHR users
- Do not show obsolete drug dosages/forms
escribeHOST 7.66
Thursday, October 31st, 2024Tasks
- Show Patient Default Location and Next Appointment Location for task location options
- Add View Task Action History to task drop down
- Ensure list of specific providers/locations is not empty
- Move Active checkbox to Edit Reason
- Move Active checkbox to Edit Room popup
- check files for validity on upload and throw descriptive error on fault CSV
- Add CPT column to Orders Overview report
Transcribe Medical
- Add pause and resume buttons
Billing Forms
- Group CPT charge codes into reusable sections
escribeHOST 7.65
Thursday, October 10th, 2024Reports
- Allow date range in report Orders Overview
- Add Regular Provider column to Active Patients
- Add drug category to Medication Reports
Problems Export
- Add patient status column
- Add new task type Care Management to Other task area
- Add Download as CSV to orders grid
Entry Form Field Data Export
- Remove empty CSVs from results
- Allow search by reason code or reason description in Add Appointment
- Remove 'Old' AM/PM max values in Add Appointment
Audit Log
- Include details to patient demographics changes in Create Patient action
Cardiac Device Billing
- Cancel pending jobs when bill is edited
escribeHOST 7.64
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024Scheduling
- Calculate new AM/PM max using provider assignment appointments-per-hour
- Display both the new AM/PM max and the old manually-entered AM/PM max values
- Replace Appointment Suggestions with new model using calculated AM/PM max from appts-per-hour
- Add Calendar availability icons when creating appointments
- Remove inactive reason codes from date suggestion filter
- Use provider-specific default durations for selected reason code, if configured
Schedule Templates
- Add new Admin page Provider Scheduling Config
- Move Appts Per Hour field from Account Providers admin section to Provider Scheduling COnfig
- Add configuration for provider-specific default durations for reason codes
- Add new permission Manage Provider Schedule Config
- Remove Appts-per-Hour and AM/PM max from Rooms scheduling
- Add AM/PM Max column to Schedule Template Summary
Medication Reports
- Add Provider filter
- Add patient info to the generated PDF when creating a signed snapshot
- Name/DOB/MRN is at the bottom-left of every page of every newly created snapshot
- Page count is at the bottom-right of every page of every newly created snapshot
- Once added, this info will always appear (viewed in ESH, downloaded, emailed, faxed, etc)
- Current snapshots will NOT display this new page footer
- Faxed documents will continue to add pt info as a header on every page
Entry Form Field Data Export
- Show full+exact matches first when searching for Field Names
- Add 'Lookup Doctypes' + 'Lookup Field Names' to see which fields appear in which document types
- Always show FastAuth requests in order of most recently modified, regardless of withdrawn status
- Show the user who resolved a task when manually selecting the resolve checkbox
- Update the existing tasks to include user who hit resolve for reporting
escribeHOST 7.63
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024Reports
- Add new report: PSR Phone Login/Logout
- Add new report: Cardiac Signals Charge Processing CPT Counts By Posting Date
- Add new task type: Pharmacist Specialty Med
- Optionally add providers to Task User Groups
Patient Search
- Update patient search help text
Chronic Care Charge Processing
- Modify Chronic Care Upload CSV format to support Health Snap integration
- Add optional Asterisk PIN field for PSR reporting
escribeHOST 7.62
Friday, July 26th, 2024Call Procedures
- Add link handling to PSR Call Procedures
- Preparations for new schedule suggestion calculations
- Add 'User Analytics' report to describe login and logout events
- Ensure all CPT codes present in 'Cardiac Signals Charge Processing CPT Counts'
- Use the bill date, instead of posting, in 'Cardiac Signals Charge Processing CPT Counts'
escribeHOST 7.61
Friday, July 5th, 2024Patient Info
- Add Contact button to Other Contacts
- Add new field 'Appts Per Hour' to Assignment Blocks
- Add new field 'Appointments Per Hour Default' to Account Providers
- Add option to 'Hold Rx Without Provider on Task'
- Add button 'Add Provider to RxAuth Task' for Rxs held without provider on task
User Menu
- Move Emergency button to the user dropdown menu
escribeHOST 7.60
Thursday, June 13th, 2024Call Procedures
- Add Call Procedure History to track Call Procedure edits
Meds Queue
- Include info button linking to Educational Resources
- Add Audit Log entries for Meds Queue status changes
- Always show Quick Send status in open Rxs, even when 'None'
- Add filter: PA Required
- Add checkbox to New Rx for 'PA Required'
- Unset 'PA Required' when a PA request is actually added
- Add Specialty filter under All Categories filter list
- Add new task area: Schedule Request
- Add new task types: Appointment Approval Request, Add-on Appointment Request
- Disallow creating new tasks in the Call Overflow task area
escribeHOST 7.59
Thursday, May 23rd, 2024Multispecialty
- Allow users to be assigned a specialty
- Sort Documents and Problems by specialty for users with an assigned specialty
- Allow users to set a specialty on Problems
- Add field name identification tool in document edit mode entry form
Vitals Export
- Add Admin page: Vitals Export
- Allow users to run Vitals reports filtered by Provider, Patient, Date Range
- Add new permission: Vitals Export
Problems Export
- Add Admin page: Problems Export
- Allow users to run Problems reports filtered by Patient's Examiner, Patient, Date Range, ICD 10 Code, Smomed CT Code
- Add new permission: Problems Export
escribeHOST 7.58
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024Documents
- Add new doctype: Bariatric Office Visit
- Add option to Left Vertebral System field in Carotid Doppler doctype: Bidirectional flow
- Add support for structured data in tasks with task templates
Task Templates
- Add admin section: Task Templates
- Allow admin users to create templates for New Task by task type
- Add audit log entries for Task Template changes
Call Procedures
- Add admin section: PSR Call Procedures
- Add markdown editor and preview for Call Procedures
- Allow users with permissions to view Call Procedures as a flyout over other ESH modules
- Show location description in PHR Appointments section
- Add 'reserved' flag to reasons
- Show warning message when any user selects a reserved reason code
- Selecting reserved reason codes does NOT prevent scheduling an appointment
escribeHOST 7.57
Thursday, April 11th, 2024Scheduling
- Require Exception day templates to be the full day (remove transparent-overlay feature)
Appointment Reminders
- Add opt-out of appointment reminders by patient in Patient Info
- Add support for diagnostic appointments scheduled by room
Multi-Factor Authentication
- Add phone number verification on setup
escribeHOST 7.56
Thursday, March 7th, 2024Cardiac Devices
- Improve Cardiac Device Recalls UI
Patient Info
- Add optional Pronouns field
- Fix bug in New Task where provider did not clear after clearing patient
- Add filter for tasks without provider
- Improve validation in Request Support Callback
escribeHOST 7.55
Wednesday, February 21st, 2024Documents
- Improve label layout in Document Info
Audit Log
- Add entries for MFA configuration
- Add source message info to Received Messages
- Publish prior authorization comment under Prior Auth Information
- Never require AUC
Patient Info
- Add checkbox for Email Consent
Medication Reports
- Include therapies with no prescriptions recorded in escribeHOST
escribeHOST 7.54
Thursday, January 18th, 2024Medications
- Add ability to view and add Task comments in Medication chart section
- Link Medication tasks to Medication chart section
- Add location sets to TUGs, defaulted to all locations
- Add optional email notifications for tasks
- Update SNOMED-CT library
CPT Codes
- Add new CPT: 37191 - IVC Filter Replacement
- Add new order type: Interventional Radiology
- Implement API to pass daily reports to Rater8
Cardiac Devices Billing
- Add Global bill type, update CPT codes
escribeHOST 7.53
Tuesday, December 19th, 2023Log In
- Add MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for users who have enabled SMS MFA
- Add option to enable MFA in user menu
- Add start and end date to Meds not Ordered
- Combine code value set column with SNOMED-CT in Meds not Ordered
- Allow editing and deleting of Meds not Ordered
Patient Info
- Add Birth Time field
- Add Time of Death field
- Improve UI for visual clarity
- Allow reordering in Edit Assessments
- Add HCPCS field
Charge Processing
- Show warning for patient name and/or DOB that is not an exact match
- Add Heart Rate Type to Heart Rate
- Add CMS Certification Number (CNN) field
Clinical Quality Measures
- Add Certified CQMs: CMS22, CMS71, CMS90, CMS122, CMS145, CMS165
escribeHOST 7.52
Thursday, November 9th, 2023Unsigned Reports
- Add a count of unsigned reports for provider users to the module icon
- Update count every 10 minutes
- Add Start Date and End Date fields to Medication Not Ordered
- Add medication order 'Intent' on therapies to Patient Summary
- Allow user to link encounter to assessment set
escribeHOST 7.51
Thursday, October 19th, 2023Documents
- Allow linking a document to an existing order
- Improve search by date in Document Indexing Jobs
- Make surescripts demographics errors human readable
- Add Enter Structured Frequency option to SIG field
- Fix bug causing multiple pharmacies to be highlighted
- Display an alert if FastAuth fails to update during an order update
Med Concerns
- Add RxNorm codes for brand names
- Add End Date and End Time fields
escribeHOST 7.50
Thursday, September 28th, 2023Clinical Quality Measures
- Update grid format for readability
- Improve Surescripts validation errors to be human readable
- Create Document Info view card
- Add fields for Start/End Date/Times
- Add new chart section: Assessments
- Add new permissions: View Assessments, Manage Assessments
Medical Billing Templates
- Add optimistic locking to prevent simultaneous updates from overwriting work
escribeHOST 7.49
Thursday, September 7th, 2023Medical Billing Templates
- Add Admin Page to create and modify Billing Form Templates
- Allow users to create Billing Form Templates with labeled sections for CPT and ICD-10 billing codes
- Allow users to create billing rules based on Reason, Insurance Plan, Carrier Code, Provider and Room
- Allow users to assign each Billing Form Template a priority level
- Add audit log entries for Billing Form creation, modification and access
Medical Billing
- Add ui to allow selecting CPT+ICD10 codes based on Billing Templates
- Add mobile billing capability
Entryform Field Data Export
- Add Provider filter
Cardiac Signals
- Add shock information to Medtronic episodes
- Add Reason Not Done Loinc code to printed order
- Store signing date in orders
- Add Prior Auth Comment field
- Allow orders to be completed regardless of PA status, including Withdrawn
- Add X icon to change Manual Prior Auth requests to Withdrawn status
- Add badge to distinguish Manual and FastAuth prior auth requests
- Improve validation errors in Add Intervention for clarity
- Fix bug showing incorrect Reason choices in Edit Tentative Appointment
- Add Virtual field to Edit Document Info
escribeHOST 7.48
Thursday, August 17th, 2023Lab Results
- Add new lab panel status: Ordered
- Add Reason Not Done section with Negation Rationale and Code Value Set fields
- Print Reason Not Done on Lab Results Summary
- Update SNOMED-CT library to latest version
- Make Reason required in Add Appointment
- Add ability to withdraw a FastAuth request
- Add Print Current Medications to PHR mobile
- Fix bug preventing patients from being matched to medication tasks
Dicom Studies
- Add new chart section Dicom Studies
- Implement inline dicom study viewer
- Implement token authorization for sharing Dicom Studies for future sharing
- Add new permissions: View Dicom Studies, Share Dicom Studies
- Add Audit Log entries for viewing and sharing dicom studies
escribeHOST 7.47
Thursday, July 27th, 2023FastAuth
- Add inline PDF viewer for FastAuth attachments
- Sort Prior Authorization requests by most recent status change
- Show Last Updated datetime for FastAuth requests
Cardiac Devices
- Show count of transmissions on device level in Device Information
Quality Management
- Include all ejection fraction values in QRDA
Scan Upload
- Improve location mappings
escribeHOST 7.46
Thursday, July 6th, 2023EntryForm Field Data Export
- Add new admin page EntryForm Field Data Export
- Allow users to download a CSV containing structured data from any field in ESH entry forms
Cardiac Devices
- Add a button to Recalls: Export as CSV
- Add a filter to Cardiac Devices search grid: Recall
- Add ReDS to publishing
Insurance Plans
- Increase character limit on insurance plan name and alternate plan name to 250
- Add audit log entries for manual prior authorization requests
- Add link to patient chart in View Order popup
- Improve layout of Med Managed popup and UI display
- Show username instead of user who indexed documents
- Show warning messages for required fields, allow user to submit request regardless of missing fields
- Add FastAuth request statuses to prior auth status filter
- Fix bug preventing users from scheduling an order with an expired prior auth request
- Add search by email address to Users
- Remove inactive research studies from publishing
escribeHOST 7.45
Thursday, June 15th, 2023Documents
- Add Fax History to document list options drop down
- Show "Too many tasks matched the criteria" warning when filter grid is collapsed
- Unify manual and Fast Auth prior authorization statuses to show the most recent
- Use order due date for FastAuth requests when order has no scheduled date
- Show payer notes in View Order popup
- Select patient's primary insurance by default
- Show warning messages for FastAuth requests with missing required fields
Bill Batches
- Add patient DOB
Patient Enrollments
- Only include active enrollments in research studies count bubble
- Rename 'View User Details' popup to 'User Details'
System Notifications
- Add 'Clear and Reset' button to allow posting multiple notifications
CPT Codes
- Add new CPT code 74170 - CT Abdomen w/o contrast material, followed by contrast material
- Add new CPT code 93459 - Left heart cath with coronary angio with graft (CABG)
- Prevent future therapy start and stop dates
- Improve error for deprecated drug dosages in Renew Therapy
escribeHOST 7.44
Thursday, May 18th, 2023Cardiac Signals
- Add Display New Episodes Only toggle to transmissions
- Add Required After Appointment option to Survey Templates
- Add question numbering to surveys
- Format times in user local timezone
- Replace Clinical Trials section in Office Note publishing with data from Research module
- Add an option to cancel Send to Supervising Provider function
- Allow more than one manual prior authorization request per order
Insurance Plans
- Add Entry Method field
- Add Payer Name field
- Add ReDS field
MQ Admin
- Replace Show Archived Only radio buttons with Archived dropdown
- Add NPI field
- Add Tax ID field
escribeHOST 7.43
Thursday, April 20th, 2023Scheduling
- Add Create No Add-Ons button and popup to set no schedule add ons for a provider or room
- Add new permission: Manage No Add-Ons Schedule Status
- Fix bug where printed schedule sometimes did not reflect latest appointment changes
- Add deprecated indicator to Document Info Popup
- Add deprecated indicator to Add/Edit Intervention popup
Task Auto Reply
- Move Task Auto Reply admin page to Tasks admin section
- Add task types to Task Auto Reply
- Fix attachment viewer to open human readable file
- Add Entry Method drop down to Insurance Plans
- Include Entry Method in FastAuth API
escribeHOST 7.42
Thursday, March 30th, 2023FastAuth
- Add FastAuth Authorize button to orders
- Show FastAuth Requests in View Order
- Add FA Icon to Orders grid to indicate FastAuth authorization
- Add FastAuth Payer ID field to Insurance Plans
- Add new permission: Manage FastAuth
Patient Search
- Allow searching by previous names
- Allow specifying supervising provider for account providers
- Send documents signed by supervised providers to the supervising provider's Unsigned Reports
- Add Awaiting Supervising Provider Signature indication to documents
- Add Supervising Provider to unsigned reports
Chart Activity Timings
- Increase search results limit
escribeHOST 7.41
Thursday, March 9th, 2023Medication Reports
- Add new module Medication Reports in admin
- Create Add to Chart feature to add PHR sent-documents to patient chart
Cardiac Signals
- Show warning when navigating away from a transmission with unsaved changes
- Add Deprecated indicator on deprecated ICD-10 codes
- Fix bug where schedule annotations appeared to be editable before provider or room is selected
- Add Created Datetime column to appointment exclusion grid
- Add question numbering
- Reformat survey title
Patient Info
- Show 'No Patient Photo' text on mobile when no photo is present
Patient Search
- Increase search limit for DOBs searches to include 50 patients
escribeHOST 7.40
Thursday, February 16th, 2023Medications
- Allow e-prescribing medical supplies
Cardiac Device Billing
- Simplify allow-billing rules (do not require connectivity and remote monitoring status)
Cardiac Devices
- Hide edit buttons on transmissions for users who do not have manage transmission permissions
- Improve error when schedule annotations exceed character limit
Patient Info
- Improve style of previous names section
- Add a thumbnail of patient photo on mobile
- Allow patient photos to be deleted
- Update to 2023 ICD-10 library
CPT Codes
- Add new CPT code 76536 - Thyroid Ultrasound
- Add new CPT code 74177 - CT Abdomen/Pelvis with Contrast
- Add new CPT code 74178 - CT Abdomen/Pelvis without Contrast
- Add new CPT code 93451 - Right Heart Cath (RHC) only O2 stat/card Output
- Add new task type 'PA Bariatrics' to Prior Auth task area
Task User Groups
- Issue warning when deactivating users to remove user from TUGs
Patient Search
- Add search by email address
- Remove surveys from mobile
escribeHOST 7.39
Thursday, January 12th, 2023Cardiac Devices
- Add new dropdown Enrolled in Remote Monitoring to Devices
Patient Info
- Add Previous Names section
- Include previous name in FHIR API search
- Improve layout and controls in mobile UI for easier navigation
Chronic Care Charge Processing
- Add sorting to batch entries grid
escribeHOST 7.38
Thursday, December 1st, 2022Patient Info
- Allow users to take and upload patient photo on mobile
Request Support Callback
- Require phone number with support requests
- Add transmission link to support request
- Rename 'Save' button to 'Submit'
- Add Support Callback icon to navigation bar for Cardiac Signals users
- Always enable/disable all fields when opening and closing the popup
Insurance Plans
- Update styling to match other sections of app
- Improve layout of AM/PM annotations in Add Appointment
- Do not allow typing in Add Attachment field (was previously allowed but ignored)
- Add code I47.20 'Ventricular Tachycardia, unspecified' to ICD library
Chronic Care Charge Processing
- Add admin section: Chronic Care Charge Processing
- Add new permission: Manage Chronic Care Charge Processing
escribeHOST 7.37
Thursday, October 27th, 2022Admin
- Update styling on Account Contact page to be consistent with other sections
- Hide obsolete 'Rx Fill Message' checkbox in provider eRx permissions
- Allow selecting multiple statuses in Appointment Reminders filters
- Fix PHR message sending when using multiple browser tabs
escribeHOST 7.36
Thursday, October 6th, 2022Cardiac Devices
- Add pause alerts to transmission episodes
- Update the episode document icon
- Fix optimistic locking for schedule annotations
- Allow storing UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters across ESH
- Add new report: Cardiac Device Billable Devices with No Transmissions
escribeHOST 7.35
Thursday, September 15th, 2022Lab Results
- Make Followup Task popup non-modal allowing users to see information below it
- Add Task Auto Reply page in Admin, to add out-of-office comments and recipient forwarding
- Add weight for length percentile rank
- Add occipital-frontal circumference percentile rank
- Improve format of long messages in Sent Messages
- Include annotations from exception day templates on frontend schedule
- Indicate on the frontend schedule if annotations are from exception day
- Prevent editing weekly template annotations from frontend if exception day annotations shown
- Prevent lab results after DOS from appearing in delayed signed/published documents
- Update descriptions of a few CPT codes
escribeHOST 7.34
Friday, August 19th, 2022Manage Appt Reminder Config
- Add Edit Template Text to edit appointment reminder text-to-speech wording
- Add Preview option to see templates filled in with sample appointments
- Add documentation and educational resources for composing templates
Cardiac Devices
- Reformat unknown episode types for clarity
- Show the DFT icon for only the most recent bill in View Bill Batch
- Add new task type: Expired Patient Notification
- Add Last Modified by Username
- Add Intent field to Therapy
- Add Reported By Username
escribeHOST 7.33
Thursday, July 21st, 2022Manage Appt Reminder Config
- Add new admin page: Manage Appt Reminder Config
- Allow users to add appointment reminder exclusions
- Allow 'and'-like combinations of exclusion types
- Rename "Appt Reminders" to "Appt Reminders Call History"
Cardiac Devices
- Rename Plan dropdown from "Plans" to "Plan Types"
- Rename Impression dropdown from "Impressions" to "Impression Types"
Lab Results
- Allow users to edit Result Status
- Add Data Absent Reason when Result Value is not present
- Add Vitals Observation Status
- Add Inhaled Oxygen Flow Rate field
- Add Data Absent Reason dropdown
- Add last modified datetime to problems
escribeHOST 7.32
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022Patient Info
- Add optional Patient Photo field to Patient Info
Cardiac Devices
- Add Requires Follow Up checkbox to Add New Plan
- Add Mark Ignored and Skip button
- Improve Status label for clarity
- Add new toggle switch to JUST set Ignored status (does not skip pages)
2015 Edition Cures Update - Med Concerns
- Add Resolved checkbox
- Add required Verification Status field
- Add Enter Other Substance (SNOMED-CT) field
2015 Edition Cures Update - Immunizations
- Add Primary Source radio buttons
- Set Primary Source to No for all existing immunizations
2015 Edition Cures Update - Procedures
- Add Status field
- Set Status to Completed for all existing procedures
2015 Edition Cures Update - Problems
- Add Verification Status field
2015 Edition Cures Update - Admin
- Add Country field to Account Details
- Add NPI field to Account Details
2015 Edition Cures Update - FHIR Resources
- implement USCore CarePlan
- implement USCore Implantable Device Profile
- implement USCore CareTeam Profile
- implement USCore Practitioner Profile
- implement USCore Procedure Profile
- implement USCore Goal Profile
- implement USCore Organization Profile
- implement USCore Immunization Profile
- implement USCore AllergyIntolerance Profile
escribeHOST 7.31
Sunday, May 22nd, 2022Tasks
- Add inline PDF viewer in 'Message from PHR' task type
- Add Reply button to 'Message from PHR' task type
- Add confirmation popup when adding duplicate Patient Reported Vitals entries to chart
- Add combined PHR Message History to Send Message Patient/Representative
- Fix patient information not displaying in self check-in
- Add Monitoring Provider column to 'Cardiac Signals Patients With Tx' report
Patient Info
- Add optional Valid Start Date and Valid End Date fields
- Add optional Birth Sex field
Med Concerns
- Rename Comment to Reaction Comment for clarity (Note field is available for general comment)
Cardiac Devices
- Fix bug in Favorite Filters that sometimes cleared the impression field
escribeHOST 7.30
Thursday, April 21st, 2022Orders
- Make Prior Auth Status required in Add Order
- Add Insurance Plan filter
- Add Request Support Callback button in user menu
- Add new PHR section Patient-Reported Vitals to enter blood pressure measurements
- Convert uploadable file types in Send Message to Provider to PDF
- Split PHR into collapsible sections for improved navigation
- Add Print Current Medications button
- Reformat new eRx tasks going forward to improve readability
- Add new task under Patient Requests: Patient Reported Vitals
- Enable users to create entries in Vitals based on Patient Reported Vitals in the task
- Add Insurance Plan column to Patients with Recent Documents report
Lab Reports
- Improve matching criteria to match monitoring providers to labs
- Add Measurement Time field to Add Vitals
escribeHOST 7.29
Thursday, March 31st, 2022Cardiac Devices
- Allow highlighting and copying of text in PDFs
- Add Ejection Fraction section to Devices tab
- Add Ejection Fraction to transmission info ribbon
- Add Ablation section to Devices tab
- Add Ablation to transmission info ribbon
- Add Import Transmission PDF button in View Transmission Device Information
- Add Match to Patient and Unmatch Patient in View Transmission Device Information
- Add Mark Order Completed button to Edit Order
Ready to Bill
- Add confirmation popup when changing account config
- Add new permission: Manage Plans
- Increase character limit in Send Message to Patient and Send Message to Provider
- Update button styles to match style used throughout application
escribeHOST 7.28
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022Cardiac Signals
- Reduce size of Recalls popup to display fully on screen
- Update Last Modified popup to be consistent with others throughout application
- Remove unnecessary empty space under med concerns list
- Fix empty validation error when editing provider information, specify invalid fields in error message
Patient Programs
- Update Patient Programs badge in patient information ribbon after changing selected programs
Cardiac Devices
- Rename "View Blackout Dates" to "Manage Blackout Dates"
- Add error message on encrypted PDF upload attempt
escribeHOST 7.27
Thursday, February 10th, 2022Cardiac Devices
- Add Email Transmission documents option to send transmission menu
- Add last modified datetime and username to Med Concerns
- Fix bug causing Transitional Care Management report to show an error message
- Reformat main schedule grid to not wrap in minimum support resolution
- Update green button styling to be consistent throughout application
escribeHOST 7.26
Thursday, January 20th, 2022Cardiac Devices
- Add Fax Transmission button
- Add 'Non-RTB' count to create bill batch
- Allow editing Device Info in popup
- Add Charge Details popup to Charge Processing Patient Matching
- Rename 'Transmission Information' transmission section to 'Connectivity Information'
- Add Send Transmission options to View Transmission
- Add document names to Document section
- Require AUC on only newly created orders
- Allow case-insensitive patient search by MRN
escribeHOST 7.25
Thursday, December 16th, 2021Cardiac Devices
- Add "Prevent billing PHYSIO and DEVICE/MONITOR on the same day" checkbox to Create Bill Batch
- Add billing cycle length column "Days" to Bill Batch
- Add icons to View Bill Batch grid for DFT posting status
Charge Processing
- Add user interface to match hospital charge processing batches to ESH patients
- Standardize spelling of "dietitian"
- Add ability to automatically fill in provider info using NPI in Add Outside Provider
- Allow searching audit log by event type
Lab Reports
- Remove fasting field from specimen info header
- Add new order type - Cardioversion
- Conditionally require AUC field for order types MRI, CT, PET, NUC
Patient Info
- Improve layout of flyout in patient information ribbon
- Reorder documents section to show most recently added documents first, instead of by DOS
- Add doctypes to "Non-Invasive Procedure Count" reports: Venous Doppler, Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound, Renal Artery Duplex Scan, Transcranial Doppler
escribeHOST 7.24
Thursday, November 11th, 2021Cardiac Signals
- Rename 'Recent Transmissions' to 'Patient Transmissions'
- Reformat Episodes to a grid in Transmission View
- Add visual indication of "new" episodes not seen in any previous transmission
- Replace internal episode ID with external episode ID in episode tooltip
- Fix bug causing manufacturer PDFs to render incomplete
- Add "Eligible for Billing on" filter in transmission search
- Add "Only within Billing Period" filter in transmission search
- Add "One per Device" filter in transmission search
- Add "Status" filter to Patient Transmissions
Cardiac Signals - Ready to Bill
Implement new optional feature - Ready to Bill- Add editable Ready to Bill device status
- Add "Ready to Bill" filter in transmission search
- Add Ready to Bill configuration admin page to manage automated RTB status changes
- Allow editing Ready to Bill (RTB) status in patient info ribbon
- Add "Exclude devices that are not Ready-to-Bill" filter to Create Bill Batch
- Add "My Billing Queue" filter preset for providers, under Favorite Filters
Patient Programs
- Add Program Enrollments tab to Patient Info
- Display Program Enrollments in patient info ribbon with flyout
- Add audit log entries for creating and editing Patient Programs
Audit Log
- Make rows clickable to view audit log entries
- Increase patient search by DOB limit from 25 results to 100 results
- Fix bug preventing PHR users from sending message to all approved HCT providers
- Update ICD-10 library for 2022 release
escribeHOST 7.23
Thursday, October 7th, 2021Patient Info
- Add Patient Info Config admin page to customize which fields are relevant
Patient Programs
- Add Patient Programs admin page to create and manage patient programs
- Send appointment reminders via SMS, instead of voice, for patients with 'can text' phone numbers
- Restyle permissions page and reorganize permissions list
- Convert Add Role button to dropdown menu
Cardiac Devices
- Add option to include portal PDFs in Notify Provider
- Add skip insurance card upload option to mobile check-in
- Add new report: Chart Timings Details
- Allow repositioning popups throughout the app by dragging the top
escribeHOST 7.22
Thursday, September 16th, 2021Cardiac Devices
- Add Notify Patient to transmission view
- Rename "Transmission Comment" to "Notes"
- Add new transmission status: Requires Additional Review (REQADD)
- Rename "Requires MD Review" to "Requires Monitoring Provider Review" (REQMON)
- Add Change Signature option to transmissions to override a previous signature
- Allow batch-download of Transmission Reports in View Bill Batch
- Allow repositioning the popup when creating patient from transmission
- Change Past Impressions to Other Impressions in view transmission, and reformat into grid
- Add popup View User Details to Users page
- Add new permissions to View/Manage Health Care Team in patient info
- Show all pending appointments in each tab when creating more than one appt
Audit Log
- Add entries for creating and deleting bills
- Add new 'Other' task types: Dietician Patient Calls, Dietician Other, Bariatric Patient Calls, Bariatric Other
Insurance Plans
- Allow insurance plans to be marked inactive
Chart Activity Timings
- Increase maximum search and download results from 10k to 100k rows
escribeHOST 7.21
Thursday, August 19th, 2021Medications
- Surescripts eRx upgrade: NCPDP SCRIPT standard upgraded from v10.6 to v2017071
Cardiac Devices
- Rename transmission status 'Signed and Closed' to 'Completed'
- Automatically notify patients via email/SMS on receipt of patient-initiated transmissions
- Add Download Transmission Reports to View Bill Batch
- Implement Billing Blackout Dates for a device
- Do not include devices with a blackout on this date in Create Bill Batch, and add an override filter to include them
- Add Audit Log entries for Billing Blackout Dates
- Make Past Impressions clickable in transmission view
- Allow users to delete a bill from a bill batch
- Display Cycle End Billing Date on Device tab
- Allow selection of multiple transmission types in Cardiac Devices filter grid
- Prevent simultaneous updates from overwriting work in Health Care Team flyout (optimistic locking)
- Rename 'Retrieve Patient Eligibility Information on Demand' to 'Retrieve Patient Eligibility Info'
- Rename 'Manage Social History and Family Health History' to 'Manage History'
escribeHOST 7.20
Tuesday, July 27th, 2021Cardiac Devices
- Add Favorite Filters list, for one-click access to commonly used filters
- Visually indicate which transmission in the grid will be shown for Resume Queue
- Prevent multi-user conflicts for inline editing of Physio/Anticoagulant/Pacer
- Show all past impressions in transmission view
- Rename 'Export Transmission Summary Report' to 'Download Transmission Summary Report'
Lab Reports
- Display long result comments on multiple lines in lab report PDFs
- Include patient's middle initial on lab report PDFs
- Do not create an appointment reminder call for tentative appointments
- Add new report: Twilio Usage
Chart Activity Timings
- Add new Admin page: Chart Activity Timings
- Allow activity timings search by date range
- Allow users to download chart activity timing data as CSV
Diagnostic Test Summaries
- Add 'PDF' indicator to non-entryform documents
- Allow zooming on scanned card images
- Show inactive providers in provider selection field
escribeHOST 7.19
Thursday, July 1st, 2021Cardiac Devices
- Allow per-user customization of the default search filters
- Rename "Remote Transmission Report" to "Transmission Summary Report"
- Allow inline editing of Physiologic Monitoring, Pacer Dependent, and Anticoagulant in transmission view
- Move transmission status editing to a one-click location for providers
- Add Archive button to View Bill Batches
Lab Reports
- Improve location extracting for labs from Schuylab and Trinity
- Automatically send lab reports to PHR when marked Review
- Allow exclusion from automatic send lab to PHR per provider in PHR Excludes
- Fix display of radio buttons in Send Message to Provider
- Modify patient facing emails for more clear wording
- For password reset, send links with temporary tokens instead of temporary passwords via email
- Implement document viewing
- Add new reports: "Chart Timings By User and Category", "Chart Timings By Category", "Chart Timings By Patient"
escribeHOST 7.18
Thursday, May 20th, 2021Cardiac Devices
- Add 'Requires Follow Up' label to plans
- Add a Close button to signed transmissions for one-click status editing
- Show descriptions on Past Impressions
- Add View Bill and Edit Bill popups in View Bill Batches
- Allow editing bill ICD10 codes and monitoring providers
- Improve bill posting status icons
- Add refresh button to View Bill Batch
- Show a warning when attempting to post bills that have previously been posted
- Make Add Appointment available in mobile
- Add Manage Surveys admin page to add new surveys and modify survey properties
Managing Tentative Appointments
Patient-Facing Appointment Selection- Increase text size on printed barcodes
- Add user permission Manage Schedule Template Annotations (SCHEDULE_TEMPLATES_ANNOTATIONS_MANAGE)
- Add pencil icons to edit schedule template annotations in Single Day Calendar Grid
- Sort tentative appointment list by appointment date/time
- Modify BMI Compliance report to use data from Vitals chart section
- Rename "Cardiac Signals Patients With Tx" to "Cardiac Signals Patients With Tx Count"
- Add new report: "Cardiac Signals Patients With Tx" with more detailed breakdown
- Modify the footer on patient record emails
- Add labels to Contact and Video Call icons in patient info ribbon
- Fix bug where Phone Number field did not appear in Add Appointment popup when in chart section
- Add Alternate Plan Names field to Add Insurance Plan
MQ Admin
- Improve search performance
- Add optional External ID field to Outside Providers
- Add optional second External ID field to Account Providers
- Fix bug incorrectly showing DOCUMENTS_VIEW permission is required error message
- Fix bug incorrectly showing TASKS_VIEW permission is required error message
escribeHOST 7.17
Thursday, April 22nd, 2021PHR
- Add patient-facing appointment selection to allow patients to request tentative appointments
- Make Send Message to Provider available in mobile
- Add Print Labels button to the patient chart appointment list to print one-off barcodes
- Allow customized date of service for barcode label printing
- Add Tentative Appointments popup and review queue
- Add Replace Tentative Appointment popup to confirm tentative appointments
- Add calendar dates to the Rotation Templates grid
- Add Document Transition of Care History popup
- Add Lab Results Summary publishing to office notes
Lab Reports
- Prevent simultaneous updates from overwriting work in Edit Lab Report and Mark Reviewed (optimistic locking)
- Add Lab Summary Templates admin page for office note configuration
Audit Log
- Add Audit Log entries for report downloading, AMC report downloading and CQM report downloading
escribeHOST 7.16
Thursday, March 25th, 2021Cardiac Signals
- Add Pacing Percentage History popup to each lead in View Transmission Data Trends
- Add "Exclude from Billing" checkbox in Import Transmission
- Implement posting billing DFT messages from View Bill Batch
- Add Successfully Posted Bill Count column to View Bill Batches
- Add post DFT status icons to Prof and Tech columns
- Add user permission Manage HL7 Billing (CARDIAC_DEVICES_HL7_BILLING_MANAGE)
- Show report description and list of columns after selecting a report
- Add new report: "Cardiac Signals Charge Processing CPT Counts"
- Add "Default for Patient Requested" checkbox to Reasons
- Add "Allow Appointment Suggestions" checkbox to Assignments
- Show start time suggestions in Add Appointment, filtered using the provider's assignment
- Rename "Print" to "Print Appts"
- Rename "Print with Notes Space" to "Print Appts with Notes Space"
- Move print options into hamburger menu
- Rename "+ Appt" button to "Add Appt"
- Rename "+ Exception Block" button to "Add Exception Block"
- Fix formatting of apostrophes in barcode label printing
Diagnostic Test Summaries
- Allow custom field labels
Lab Reports
- Translate local codes imported from Labcorp to LOINCs
- Add "No Data" indication to empty panels on the PDF
- Add the Lab Report source to imported lab reports
- Add "Reviewed by" username to reviewed lab reports
- Add field groupings, with each field optionally having nested child fields
- Allow disabling child fields based on the value of the parent field
- Add "External ID" field to Add Account Provider
- Move permission hover text and descriptions to info buttons
CPT Codes
- Add CPT codes to the library: 93458, 93456, 93460, 92928, 93580, 93505, 92943, 33285, 33286, 75561
- Update ICD-10 Code library to the 2021-01-01 ICD-10-CM release
escribeHOST 7.15
Friday, February 26th, 2021Lab Results
- Import external Lab Reports into Lab Reports module instead of Documents
- Add Mark Reviewed/Mark Unreviewed functionality to Lab Reports
- Create new Lab Report PDFs
- Add Lab Report PDF options: Download, Print, Send to PHR
- Add a longitudinal view with text table and line graph to visually describe lab result trends
- Improve Lab Results grid
- Add search bar to Lab Results tab
- Create new task type Lab Results Followup
- Add Create Followup Task button to Lab Reports
- Add a Fax History popup to each lab report
- Add warning indication when a lab result LOINC description does not match the lab Result Description
Cardiac Signals Analytics
- Add Analytics popup to Cardiac Devices
- Add Cardiac Devices Analytics page to Admin
- Create various charts and tables to analyze remote monitoring statistics
- Automatically switch to mobile lite version when a mobile device is detected
- Improve appearance of mobile PHR
Self Check-In
- Allow patients to confirm their information and upload their own insurance cards in the PHR
Scanned Cards
- Create new Scanned Cards chart section
- Allow users to upload photos from their computer or mobile device
- Allow users to capture a photo of their card using their mobile device
- Add Surveys chart section
- Add Submitted Surveys and Required Surveys PHR sections
- Add support for Zebra label printers when Zebra Browser Print is installed
- Add Print Labels button to Schedule to automate Zebra label printing
- Improve Date Suggestions layout in Add Appointment popup
- Remove 'Rescheduled' option from Change Status for All popup
escribeHOST 7.14
Monday, January 11th, 2021Lab Reports
- Automatically fax labs according to the auto-fax Labs checkbox in Healthcare Team
- Fix missing permission error in Send Message to Provider
MQ Admin
- Add Patient column to grid
- Add Patient filter
Patient Info
- Improve layout of Preferred Pharmacies tab
- Rename "DOS" column to "Date"
- Combine Date Scanned and DOS columns, to only show one date
- Add "(Scanned)" indicator in Date column when date is not DOS
escribeHOST 7.13
Monday, December 21st, 2020Scheduling
- Add Additional Appointment tabs to Add Appointment
- Add a warning if an appointment location does not match the schedule template location
- Show AM/PM annotations on the Schedule Day Grid
- Separate [Invite] and [Meet] buttons into distinct columns on the main schedule grid
- Add confirmation popup to Invite button
Diagnostic Test Summaries
Diagnostic Test Summaries- Add Diagnostic Test Summaries Specifications page to Admin Module
- Add Diagnostic Test Summaries section to some published documents
- Improve error when multiple users try to edit vitals for the same patient at the same time
- Replace Providers search field with Health Care Team radio buttons in Send Message to Provider
- Improve error messages in Eligibility and Drug History tabs
Cardiac Signals
- Add Notify Provider button to transmission view
- Improve error when multiple users try to edit or delete problems for the same patient at the same time
Audit Log
- Improve display of audit log details popup
escribeHOST 7.12
Monday, November 30th, 2020Scheduling
- Add Assignment dropdown to Add Exception Block popup
- Add Print-with-Notes-Space button
- Display AM/PM annotations on Single Day Calendar Grid
- Automatically send documents to PHR when signed
- Add per-provider, per-document-type excludes for auto-send-documents-to-PHR (in Account Providers Library)
- Convert Document Fax History to a flyout for inline viewing
- Change document actions list button to a "hamburger" button menu
- Move Snapshots buttons to the center of document header
- Add Preview Edit mode to signed and expedited notes, to show field content without amending
- Add keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+S" to save entry forms in edit mode
Patient Summary
- Rename 'Active Med List' to 'Patient Summary'
- Move Print Patient Summary to the actions list in the chart header
- Replace Diagnostic/Chemistry Data Review in documents with a single freetext field
- Add Diagnostic Test Summary to Patient Summary
- Add "Document Snippets" report
- Add Request Appointment button
- Add Request Reschedule button to appointments
- Email get-temporary-password link to new PHR users for delayed signup
Cardiac Devices
- Add Requires-MD-Review billing status icon to View Transmissions
- Improve error message when attempting to add a duplicate therapy
- Add Action, User and Recorded Date/Time filters to Medication History
- Improve layout of Medication History
MQ Admin
- Add Rerun button to single message cards
- Remove redundant account name from stream names
- Add Skipped status
- Add "Sched Retry" column to better manage retrying failed messages
- Add Patient filter to Indexing Jobs
- Remove ellipsis ('...') from several buttons throughout app
- Improve missing user permissions error messages throughout app
escribeHOST 7.11
Monday, November 2nd, 2020Orders
- Unify order type entry forms (one form for all types, instead of one form per order type)
- Add new order types - Cath Lab, EP Lab, Exercise Stress, MRI, Spirometry, PET, TEE, TTT, Remote Monitoring, X-ray
- Unify task types for Prior Auth & Schedule Order (one task type, instead of one per order type)
- Unify task types for Pending Signature for Order (one task type, instead of one per order type)
Cardiac Device Recalls
- Add matching by serial number
- Allow manually adding and removing recalls from specific devices
- Add Device Recall History table to devices in patient charts
- Add freetext comment field to View Recalls Grid
- Add 'Acknowledge' buttons to each recall in View Recalls Grid
- Add Remove from All Devices and Deactivate Recall buttons to View Recall popup
Cardiac Devices
- Add Device Information button to View Transmission tab header
- Add searching by manufacturer, serial number, and patient DOB to Select Unmatched Device
- Improve layout of Add Device popup
- Fix bug in Cardiac Device Alerts that displayed 'lessthan' sign incorrectly
- Improve display of Reposition Recent Transmissions popup
MQ Admin
- Remove unnecessary columns from grid - Job Creation Date/Time, Account
Appointment Reminders
- Limit search results to 1000 rows
- Set the date range filter to default to the last 7 days
- Restrict the date range filter to no more than 35 days at a time
- Improve error handling when two users are working on the same templates at once
- Unchecking Select All Providers checkbox in Add Provider Exception Day Templates popup now removes all providers
- Remove columns from Appointments grid - Created By, Phone, Duration
- Exclude inactive PHR users from email notifications
- Reset filters to default values after closing Indexing Jobs or Batch Scan Jobs popup
- Add "Patient Referral" column to "Patients with Recent Documents" report
escribeHOST 7.10
Friday, October 9th, 2020Login
- Add 'Forgot Password' link to login page
- Allow users to reset their own password with 'Forgot Password' link
- Add Appointments section
- Notify PHR users by email when a new appointment is created for them
- Add a PDF attachment selector to Send Message to Patient/Representative
- Add Print and Download attachment buttons to Received Messages grid
- Allow editing dates in Exception Day Templates
- Allow configuring Default Assignment for Exception Blocks
- Display Last Modified Date on Exception Day Templates
- Add optional free-text annotations for AM and PM on Day Templates and Exception Day Templates
- Add filters to Exception Days: Created Date/Time, Last Modified Date/Time
- Add columns to Exception Days grid: Created By, Last Modified By
Patient Info
- Add Incorrect Information free-text field (hidden when empty)
- Add Advanced Directive checkbox
- Add Living Will checkbox
- Add DNR checkbox
- Add Power of Attorney free-text field
- Add Patient Referral dropdown
- Rename 'Address' to 'Primary Address'
Health Care Team
- Add checkbox in charts header HCT flyout to change Fax on Sign by Default inline
- Add an edit button to charts header HCT flyout to bring the user to the HCT edit page
- Configure faxage time zone behind the scenes per account
- Disable Add button in Sign & Fax & Notify popup for providers who are already on the fax list
Cardiac Device Alerts
- Allow user to specify any field in Condition Field as free text
- Add Print button to view order popup
- Add new report - Patients with Recent Documents
- Add new report - Scheduling Exception Days
- Add Patient Count column to Clinical Quality Measures
MQ Admin
- Do not auto-retry a message job failure that has been manually rerun
- Remove need for scroll bar in MQ Message Details popup
- Focus keyboard on first field when hitting Alt+L (or Cmd+L) in a document
- Remove need for scroll bar in Fax History popup
Download Documents
- Incorporate download-documents into Download Jobs
- Fix Compare with PDF document
Unsigned Reports
- Add an 'X' to provider selection field to allow clearing
- Allow retrying failed Index Jobs
- Improve filters for Indexing Jobs and Batch Scan Jobs
- Center the Close button in working dialog
escribeHOST 7.9
Friday, September 18th, 2020Cardiac Devices
- Add Leads tab to Devices module
- Add optional free-text Device Warning field
- Display 'Device Warning' badge on transmissions with device warning
- Do not match cardiac device recalls to deceased patients
- Do not allow inactive providers to be set as a monitoring provider
- Allow users to complete orders when Prior Authorization has been denied
- Add No Reason Selected and Any Reason Selected options to Schedule Delay Reason filter
Patient Info
- Add optional Additional Addresses fields
- Add Fax button to General tab in Patient Info
- Add Declined Portal Enrollment checkbox
- Add Allow Third Party Access checkbox
- Add RHIO Consent dropdown
- Improve error message when attempting to remove an insurance plan that is being used by a patient
- Display patient's 'Call Me' name in charts header
- Add Fax on Sign by Default column to Healthcare Team flyout in charts header
- Remove 'Required for Meaningful Use' and 'Required for PHR' labels from Add New Patient screen
- Allow editing appointment location
- Add Provider-in-Room field in room schedule grid
- Add 'PAST' label to date selector in Add Appointment popup for previous dates
- Do not make reminder calls for deceased patients
- Allow adding non-defaulted providers Sign & Fax from the healthcare team to the fax list with one click
- Set default fax priority to low
- Add a refresh button to Fax History popup
- Fix display of Date of Sending in Fax History popup
- Display document type Delete Document confirmation popup
- Improve display of document tabs when many tabs are present
- Remove 'source' column from document list
- Shorten 'datatype' column in document list
- Improve error when prescribing a drug marked as not-managed by the account
- Delete the old therapy in Delete + Write New Rx
- New Task Types - Nuclear Pet and Nuclear Amyloid
- Improve Task Type filter display
- Add new report - Cardiac Signals Patients with Tx
- Add columns to Download Jobs Grid in Clinical Quality Measures
MQ Admin
- Allow filtering by multiple Stream Names
- Add a refresh button to MQ Message Details popup
- Allow filtering by multiple MQ Message IDs
escribeHOST 7.8
Tuesday, August 25th, 2020Document Snapshots
Document Snapshots- Create a PDF snapshot upon signing
- Make the latest signed snapshot the official record of the note, for all purposes
- Signed snapshots will not change when the patient chart changes
- Add a new view, Publish Preview, which reflects the previous 'live' view of notes
- Include internal addendums like datasheet on Publish Preview only
Audit Log
- Implement fast audit log searching by user, by patient, or both
- Limit date/time range to be 35 days or less
- Require a date/range and either user or patient or both
- Add 'Search' button to show up to 100 results in the browser
- Add 'Search and Download as CSV' button to download up to 10,000 results in a spreadsheet
- Add info button to Audit Log entries displayed in the browser to show more information, like changes
Cardiac Device Alerts
Cardiac Device Alerts- Add Priority, Manufacturer, and Device Type fields to Custom Alerts
- Automatically match transmissions by custom alert Mfg+DeviceType, in addition to conditions
- Replace Alert icon with one that indicates priority (!) (!!) (!!!)
- Allow searching of transmissions by alert priority
User Roles
User Roles- Add 'Roles' section to Admin module
- Allow users to create a new role and assign permissions to this role
- Assign a role to a user to give them all included permissions at once
- Remove a role from a user to remove all perms that are not part of another role the user has
- Persist pending task comments when navigating to other ESH modules
- Prevent matching patient to invalid eRX tasks (unknown drug), instead of creating duplicate tasks
- Add faxage priority to Fax Document popup with options 'Low Priority', 'High Priority'
- Add Location, Datatype (EntryForm or PDF), and Source (ESH or HL7) columns to Document List
- Allow printing Datatype=PDF (imported) documents from the Document List
- Do not make reminder phone calls for same-day appointments
Cardiac Devices
- Rework Add Device tab into Add Device popup
- Do not allow only inactive providers to be set as a monitoring provider for a transmission
- Change color of information (i) buttons throughout app
escribeHOST 7.7
Thursday, July 30th, 2020Cardiac Device Recalls
- Add new admin module for recording device recalls
- Add badge to Device tab in patient charts indicating device is recalled
- Add badge to transmissions for recalled devices
Cardiac Devices
- Improve layout of View Transmissions
- Add ability to search for patients by phone number
- Fix bug where sometimes patient chart navigation bar would be empty
- Refresh study names in list after editing
- Fix double-loading research when opening a document in charts for the first time
- Rename 'Set Encounter Info' popup to 'Edit Document Info' popup
- Add (i) button to document list to open 'Document Info' popup
- Move PHR/API available info from 'Edit Document Info' popup to 'Document Info' popup
- Prevent simultaneous edits by different users from overwriting each others' changes (optimistic locking)
escribeHOST 7.6
Friday, July 10th, 2020Faxing
Fax on Sign- Add Fax History popup to documents for a detailed history of all faxes sent for the document (since this release)
- Incorporate fax-on-sign into the Sign & Fax & Notify button in documents
- Add Sign & Fax & Notify popup, to manually edit the fax recipients and task recipients
- Replace nightly faxing with fax-on-sign
Health Care Team
Health Care Team- Allow provider type/specialty to be empty
- Add Health Care Team to printed Med List
- Include Health Care Team Providers by default in fax-on-sign, unless Fax-on-Sign is disabled for that care team member
Download Documents
Download Documents Module- Add new Admin Tool "Download Documents"
- Allow users to generate a password-protected ZIP file with PDFs for a given DOS and doctype/class
- Add filters like Provider, Location, and Status to produce more specific ZIP files
- Add new user permission "View Download Documents"
Cardiac Devices
- Flatten the View Transmissions popup into a tab
- Reorganize the View Transmissions tab, improving impressions/plans layout
- Add Impressions filter to main Cardiac Devices search grid
- Allow users to open a recent tx for the same patient in another tab, to allow easy switching
- Add search filters to Recent Transmissions to allow searching by past impressions
- Make patient name in Billing a link to the patient chart
- Add radio button "( )lbs ( )kg" to select imperial/metric units for Weight
- Add radio button "( )in ( )cm" to select imperial/metric units for Height/Waist/HeadCirumference
- Auto-convert from metric to imperial when saving in metric (values are stored in imperial)
- Continue to display values using imperial units in the Vitals grid
- Continue to auto-convert from imperial to metric when exporting the values for certain external uses (e.g.: CCD)
- Implement optimistic locking for Medications to prevent two users from saving without seeing each other's updates first
- Do not update Meds out from under the user when another user makes changes
- Add refresh button to see the most recent changes
- Add explicit Mark Documented history table, in addition to meds history table, to be consistent with allergies/problems
Med Concerns
- Add Mark Documented history table
- Add Mark Documented history table
MQ Admin Module
- Add Archived status option to MQ Message
- Add filter to show archived messages only
Task User Groups
- Display inactive users in red in edit TUG view
- Improve appearance of documents
Admin Module
- Add "create template from" functionality for impression/plan templates
CPT Codes
- Add CPT codes to the library: 78803, 78459
- In patient search, require 4-digits in the year for date of birth searches
escribeHOST 7.5
Thursday, June 4th, 2020Cardiac Signals
- Allow inline editing of impressions/plans in View Tx, instead of in another popup
- Move impression/plan templates to a new column in the View Tx popup
- Added tags to impression/plan templates
- Allow users to search by tag for impression/plan templates in impressions/plans selector
- Restrict template selection to account-wide templates, and those matching the monitoring provider
- Allow users to edit only one impression or plan at a time
- Add an info button on impressions/plans to show username+datetime impression/plan was created
- Improve layout of View Tx
Rx Fill, Rx Cancel, Rx Change Reference Guide- Implement Rx Fill, Rx Cancel, and Rx Change electronic prescribing messages
escribeHOST 7.4
Saturday, May 16th, 2020Telehealth
- Expand Jitsi Meet viewer window
- Replace Tasks feedback comet messages with System Notifications (they still auto-hide)
System Notifications
- Auto-hide system notifications
- Add support for offline notifications (fetched on next login)
- Add system notifications center
- Add a notification center (bell icon in banner bar) to review notifications received
- Add count of unread notifications to bell icon in banner bar
- Include datetime for all notifications
Cardiac Signals
- Allow user to create a chart directly from an unmatched transmission, recording a few essential device fields:
- ICD-10 Indication, Physiologic Monitoring, Anticoagulant, Pacer Dependent, Primary Cardiologist
- Default the following values in Devices the first transmission is received:
- Remote Monitoring Status = Active; Connectivity Status = Connected; Billing Status = Bill
- Improve display of Date/Time in Transmissions Grid
- Add comment to bookmarks
- Improve design of bookmarks UI
- Add new report "Cardiac Devices Non Remote Monitoring Patients" (all active pts without a cardiac device, with a document "Device Report - Scanned Document" with DOS in the date range)
- Add read-only Date/Time information in the Marked Available actions on the Set Encounter Info popup to allow users to investigate why an encounter was not included in the RT 2a Report.
- Improve error when user tries to delete a document that was sent or downloaded as a transition of care, or was made available in the Patient Portal or API
- Improve error when user tries t oamend a locked document
- Fix bug preventing sending EPCS messages for patients with apostrophe in their name
- Implement Deny/Cancel Rx surescripts messages
- Improve formulary display for really long formulary labels
- Include extra severities (aside from mild/moderate/severe) in contraindications
- Style severe-like severities (fatal, moderate-to-severe) similar to severe
Med Concerns
- Remove Comet from Med Concerns, including message to refresh to display recent updates
- Implement optimistic locking for Med Concerns to prevent two users from saving without seeing each other's udpates first
- Record date/time creation in med concerns (for improved auditing purposes)
Admin Module
- Remove Comet from Tasks Admin and TUGs
- Improve help hovertext in Bill Batches grid
- Prevent duplicate location codes
- Improve display of Appointment Reminders admin (adapt to screen size, remove double-scrollbars)
- Remove Comet from Scheduling
- Add 30s polling (will not remove appointments deleted by other users, but will update canceled/rescheduled appointments)
- Prevent error message when user clicks on an appointment squircle when adding a new appointment
- Prevent click on the Orders grid actions button from simultaneously opening the Actions popup and the Order popup
- Improve display of "Last F/U Date" in Orders grid (will not wrap at minimum supported resolution, 1280px wide)
- Do not ping the server after user is logged out due to inactivity
Patient Info
- Improve display of Preferred Pharmacies in Patient Info (remove double-scrollbars)
- Improve layout of Other Contacts tab in Patient Info
- Notify user in all cases when the CQM bundle is created
- Add SNOMED-CT Code 15964901000119107 Atypical Atrial Flutter (disorder) to the SNOMED-CT library
escribeHOST 7.3
Friday, April 17th, 2020Telehealth
- Add Jitsi Meet support directly in escribeHOST
- Add button to Schedule grid and Charts header to send SMS/email to the patient with a link to join a Jitsi Meet room
- Add button to Schedule grid and Charts header to open a Jitsi Meet room directly in ESH
- Add Task Limit Selector to choose 50/100/150/200 tasks to display on-screen at once
- Add Location multi-select filter (user can select one or more locations)
- Add "Tasks without location" option to Location multi-select filter
- Add permission Task Limit Selector permission to control the selector
- Improve error messages with technical details when matching Patient or Provider in Lab Report Tasks
- Performance improvements when fetching tasks (most noticeable in Recent Archives)
- Replace Comet with polling in Tasks for backend efficiency (it can now take up to 30s to receive some task updates)
- Fix bug where sometimes Task Inbox is empty when multiple searches happen at the same time
- Improve the display of the "Add Me" popup when adding self to a task (was overlapping with another widget underneath)
- Show a loading indicator while tasks are still being loaded
- Add new ICD-10 code U07.1 for COVID-19
Cardiac Signals
- Allow creating a new pt chart for UNMATCHED transmissions with a single click
- Add permissions Create Pt from Unmatched Tx to control the button
- Replace CPT code 93299 with G2066 in the Billing reports for 30-day Technical bills (Physio and Monitors)
- Require Manage Cardiac Devices to use Mark as Urgent button
- Prevent re-loading the patient chart multiple times when navigating to the Documents chart section via bookmark/URL
- Fix bug where browser would freeze when user clicks "Close Without Saving Changes" when closing a chart
Patient Info
- Allow entering any number of insurance plans
- Add Effective Start Date and Effective End Date for each Insurance Plan
- Rename all insurance plans after secondary as "Additional" (no longer says "Tertiary" for any plans)
- Improve style of Procedure Mapping, Problem Mapping, MQ Admin
System Notifications
- Replace Comet with polling (notifications may now take up to 30s to be delivered)
- Rename 'Notice' to 'Notification'
- Rename 'Warning' to 'Critical Notification'
- Remove redundant Close button from notifications (the [x] button still closes it)
- Prevent closing Critical Notifications by clicking 'outside' the message (click the [x] to close)
- Fix display of apostrophes in the patient name label in the PHR
- Fix some broken CCDS documents (View Patient Health Summary was failing when lab results contained less-than signs)
escribeHOST 7.2
Thursday, March 26th, 2020Tasks
Tasks Quick Reference Guide- Tasks is significantly modified to improve filtering and system performance, and to reduce response time.
Patient Callback
- Add Twilio integration to allow users to make phone calls in escribeHOST between patient and user-defined callback number using the client's Twilio account
- Allow user to set his/her callback number in the account user tool in the top banner bar
- Add a direct-call button next to the patient's phone number in charts (inside the Phone popup in the header) and tasks (inside the phone popup)
- Show the direct-call button ONLY if Twilio is configured, the user has Patient-Call permission, AND the user has a callback number set
- Display URLs in comments as clickable links that open in new tabs
- Allow newlines in comments when editing existing appointments (not creating new appointments)
- Standardize on ICD-10 Codes for 2019-2020 in Problems chart section and all entry forms
- Deprecated codes (removed from the library but still in use in escribeHOST) are not shown when searching for new codes, but are displayed when previously selected.
Cardiac Devices
- When two users are in the same transmission, notify second user to refresh the data when the first user has added a bookmark
- Modify the choices in the Adjusted Co-Pay field to: No adjusted co-pay [NO], Reduced co-pay [RCP], Exempt co-pay [EX], and Exempt co-pay (Medicare) [EXM].
- Modify the Bill Batches grid and print version: remove the Cycle column and add new column "RCP" to display value in Adjust Co-Pay field.
- Tweak display of Alerts, Cardiac Devices Impressions, Plans, Plan Templates, Impression Templates
- Display a warning message if user attempts to navigate away from Edit Device, to prevent losing unsaved changes
- Exclude from Cardiac DEVICE billing any Monitor Transmissions that have been marked as "Excluded"
- When reconciling values in an imported CCDS, allow user to select only valid values
- Hide the Set Encounter Info option if user does not have the Edit Document permission (DOCUMENTS_EDIT)
- Improve performance of choicelists (store choice values directly)
Patient Info
- Add new tab in Patient Information: Health Care Team
- Move Providers and Other Care Team Members to the HCT tab
- Automatically assign Payer field (for CQM) based on selected Primary Insurance Plan (payer for plans is configured in admin module)
- Include Functional Status and Cognitive Status when printing Patient Info
- Limit the City field in Patient Information to 25 characters
Med Concerns
- Add a Mark Documented button to allow user to record that the date/time the Med Concerns list was confirmed
- Update the Last Updated date/time when user clicks Mark Documented
- Add a Mark Documented button to allow user to record that the date/time the Problems list was confirmed
- Update the Last Updated date/time when user clicks Mark Documented
- Display Location field on the Prescribe New Therapy, Renew, New Rx popups when user selects a Provider who has Locations/TINs assigned
- Display COO (Benefit Coordication) data when Prior Auth is RxChange, to allow the prescriber to communicate with the right payer
- Return user to DrFirst when approving a change to a controlled substance
Admin Module
- Improve layout of Admin modules
- Prevent unnecessary scrolling on minimum supported resolution (1280x600)
- Prefill the date of service in View Patient Health Summary to the latest available
- When only one Office Visit is available for the selected DOS, select that OV by default
- Inform patient that no Office Visit is available for selected date
- Create new permission labeled Call Patient (PATIENT_CALL) to allow user to set callback number and call patients in ESH using twilio
- Include Discharge Summaries documents (in addition to Office Notes) for determining initial population for CMS 135 and CMS 144
- Fix the algorithm for determining start date for inclusion in the initial population for CMS 135 and CMS 144
- Fix bug where an error was shown when clicking on empty row in Vitals
- Display "N" in Counsel column if Dietary Surveillance Counseling checkbox is not checked
- Standardize the display of the Timeboxes on the Create Data Export Job popup in Admin
- Expand the clickable area in the Patient column in the Orders list
- Add these CPT codes to the CPT library:
- 78431 Cardiac PET Perfusion, multiple studies with CT transmission scan; Cardiac PET Perfusion, multiple studies with CT transmission scan
- 76706 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Ultrasound, with real time with image documentation, screening study
escribeHOST 7.1
Monday, February 10th, 2020Cardiac Devices
- Allow user to mark txs as excluded from Physio/Device billing
- Add a filter to Create Bills UI "Allow transmission to be excluded" to allow overriding excluded
- Hide Delete Bookmark if user does not have Manage Cardiac Dev Txs permission
- Tweak style/colors of Due Date label to distinguish between due today and overdue
Patient Education Resources
- Add Provider field to allow users other than logged in provider to identify/send resources (included for RT3 AMC)
- Update the ICD-10 Code library to the 2020 release, adding new codes and deprecating deleted codes
- Allow users to re-order problem list, even if legacy problems without ICD-10 exist
- Hide Add Order button if user does not have Manage Orders permission
CCDS Reconciliation
- Do not allow Reconciliation of problems without SNOMED or allergies/meds without RxNorm
- Keep the Reconcile CCDS tab enabled when expanding after collapse
- Reorganize document dropdown functions
- Remove obsolete function from document dropdown: Create Clinical Summary
- Remove obsolete function from document dropdown: Download Immunization HL7
- Remove obsolete function from document dropdown: Download PHR HL7
- Remove obsolete function from document dropdown: Create and Download CCDS (replaced by the Download TOC option)
Automated Measure Calculations
- Add patient MRN added to all AMC reports
- Add descriptions and criteria for numerators/denominators to all AMC reports
- Require fields for generating: Report Type, Start Date, End Date (if provider is blank, include all providers)
- Updated Encounter CPT code from "EM Code" field in office notes in 2018/2019
- Add Patient Procedures to the QRDA files for CMS68, CMS144, CMS347
- Display "Meds Not Documented" in medications History popup
- Hide location field in New Rx/Therapy popup when no TIN is available
- Update Last Modified Date when user clicks Mark Documented/Mark Not Documented
Admin Module
- Add client-wide Time Zone section in Account Contact in Admin Config
- Fix timezone related issues in Data Export Download
- Add (i) tool to display the timezone
- Allow user to hover to see the full text of long CPTs in Orders Config
- Inform patients no health summary is available when no Office Notes have been marked available in PHR
- Default select the most recent date of all Office Notes that have been marked available in PHR
- Move rarely used Download/Send buttons in View Patient Health Summary popup to a [More] button
User Permissions
- New perm "Receive Admin Tasks": users that will receive system-generated tasks
- New perm "Manage PHR Documents": controls options in document dropdown: Send Document PDF to PHR, Make CCD available in API/PHR
- New perm "Manage PHR Education Resources": controls Create Patient Health Education Resource in MedlinePlus Connect Results popup
- New perm "Manage TOC CCDS Documents":
- controls options in document dropdown: Send TOC, Download TOC and Mark TOC receipt confirmed
- and patient chart hamburger menu: Download CCDS, Import/View CCDS, Show Received TOCs,TOC Requests.
- Disallow account admins from changing permissions of Audit Log
Audit Log
- Fix some irregularities in audit log entries
Lab Reports
- Fail on partial data adding (entry selected but not added)
Exception Day Templates
- Fail on partial data adding (dates selected but not added)
Family Health History
- Fail on partial data adding (diseas selected but not added)
- Fail on partial data adding (TIN selected but not added)
- Fix publishing of Allergy Reaction
- Improve error message when user edits research profile on deleted studies
- Implement Interventions Not Done Feature
- Fix persisting value in the End Date field when adding an Intervention and require Start Date
escribeHOST 7.0
Saturday, January 18th, 2020Promoting Interoperability
- Allow user to Send Transitions of Care (TOC)
- Allow user to Download TOCs
- Allow user to Import and View a CCD
- Allow user to make an office visit available/unavailable in PHR for generating CCD file
Patient Charts
- Display the working spinner popup when a chart is being deleted.
- Add Set Encounter Information option to the Document dropdown for Office Notes (required for CQM reports)
- Modify the actions available in the Document dropdown for Office Notes
Reports - AMCs
- Implement the following Automated Measure Calculations
- RT1 ePrescribing
- RT2a Patient Electronic Access
- RT3 Patient Education
- RT4a View Download Transmit
- RT5 Secure Messaging
- RT6 Patient-Generated Health Document
- RT7 Transition of Care
- RT8 Receive Incorporate
- RT9 Reconciliation
Reports - CQMs
- Implement the following Clinical Quality Measures
- CMS68/MIPS130 Documentation of Current Medications
- CMS135/MIPS005 Heart Failure: ACE/ARB for LSVD
- CMS138/MIPS226 Tobacco Use
- CMS144/MIPS008 Heart Failure: Beta Blockers for LVSD
- CMS347/MIPS438 Statin for Cardiovascular Disease
- Remove the Mark Reconciled button (problems are reconciled in Transitions of Care)
- Display Reconciled date/time in the row below the Problems header bar
- Update the Last Modified Date when user clicks [Reconcile Problems] in Transitions of Care
- Add ICD-10 code E78.00 "Pure hypercholesterolemia, unspecified" to the ICD-10 library
- Add ICD-10 code E78.00 "Pure hypercholesterolemia, unspecified" to Encounter Diagnoses in Office Note
Social History
- Modify the UI for Tobacco Use data entry assessment/counseling
- Add Reason Not Done for assessment/counseling
- Add additional more granular SNOMED-CT codes to record smoking status under a new "Other" radio button (not needed for CMS138)
- Improve contraindications warnings and icons, and add counter bubbles for severe/non-severe
- Replace [Mark Reconciled] with [Mark Documented] (meds are reconciled in Transitions of Care)
- Display Reconciled action in History when user clicks [Reconcile Medications] in Transitions of Care
- Add Meds Not Ordered tab to record the reason why a medication was not ordered for the patient
- Add [Mark Not Documented] button in Meds Not Ordered to document why the meds could not be documented
- Add an ICD-10 field when creating therapies
- Display ICD-10 inside the (i) to the right of the therapy, along with RxNorm code
- Correct calculation to give provider numerator credit for RT1 ePrescribing when clicking Approve for eRx Refill Requests.
Med Concerns
- Add Severity field to Add/Edit Med Concern popups
- Display RxNorm code for selected substance on the Add/Edit Med Concern
- Display RxNorm code in the (i) to the left of the Substance name on the Med Concerns grid
- Remove the Mark Reconciled button (med concerns are reconciled in Transitions of Care)
- Display Reconciled date/time in the row below Med Concerns header bar
- Update the Last Modified Date when user clicks [Reconcile Med Allergies] in Transitions of Care
- Implement Interventions Chart Section to capture clinical interventions for calculating AMCs and CQMs
- Allow user to import and integrate Transitions of Care
- Allow user to reconcile Meds, Med Allergies, and Problems
- Modify Contraindications section in Admin make a visual distinction between the two categories:
- Drugs and Food Interactions
- Allergies, Intolerances, Ineligibilities, and Adverse events
- Group Med Concern contraindication severities:
- Severe: "Fatal", "Severe", "Moderate to Severe"
- Moderate: "Moderate", "Mild to Moderate"
- Mild: "Mild"
- Add a new section "Patient Communications" to allow providers to record info received from the patient or representative
- Use Patient Communications to exclude patients from certain CQM denominators
- Modify UI to meet WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Patient Info
- Add Effective Start Date and Effective End Date for the Payer field on View/Edit Patient Info UIs
User Permissions
- Disallow setting Audit Log permission in the Admin UI (permission checkbox is removed)
- Allow users with contacts view+manage, but NOT view patient info, to access all features on Contacts tab
CPT Codes
- Add CPT codes to the CPT Library: 92004, 92014, 99305, 99239
- Remove No Show appointments from the View Grid
Appointment Reminders
- Fix bug where patients with one canceled appointment would not get a call for a non-canceled appointment on the same day
Clinical Decision Support Interventions
- Implement Clinical Decision Support Interventions (CDSI)
- Add automatic CDSI support for reconciliation actions
Incoming Lab Results
- Do not automatically match inactive providers to incoming lab results (require user-intervention)
escribeHOST 6.51
Saturday, November 16th, 2019Cardiac Devices
- Display data for only one device at a time based on selected device tab
- Export Tx Report PDF: improve the layout
- Export Tx Report PDF: list only starred episodes
- Export Tx Report PDF: omit Leads, Parameters, Zone Settings and Data Trends sections for MONITOR devices
- Export Tx Report PDF: add Alerts under the Transmission Comment row
- Export Tx Report PDF: remove the codes from Impressions and Plans
- Allow users to view CCD XML documents (e.g.: transfer of care)
- Allow users to save CCD XML documents in patient charts
- Allow users to generate and Download a CCD XML document from a given office visit (does NOT increment MIPS numerator)
- Allow users to generate and Send-via-email a CCD XML document from a given office visit (NOTE: email is not yet configured)
- Allow users to mark ToC receipt confirmed for a given office visit in the document dropdown
- Allow users to incorporate Meds, MedConcerns, and Problems from CCDS XML documents
- Add split screen functionality for users with wide monitors to view Patient Chart and CCDS at once
- Add Automated Measure Calculation reports
- Default report date range to the current calendar year
- Allow user to mark a message to a patient/representative as a Reply
- Allow patients to download CCD files for office visits that are marked available in the PHR
Patient Education
- Allow printing educational materials (does NOT increment numerators in Automated Measure Calculations)
- Allow marking educational materials as identified (does NOT increment numerators in Automated Measure Calculations)
- Add Last Updated timestamp
- Allow users to click Mark Reconciled more than once per day
- Display the RxNorm code of the selected medication in the popups adding a new Rx or Therapy
- Display (i) button on therapies with the RxNorm code for the medication
- Add Last Updated timestamp
- Change Reconciled timestamp from related (an hour ago) to absolute (11/23/2019 9:34 am)
- Change which columns are visible in main grid
Med Concerns
- Add Last Updated timestamp
- Change Reconciled timestamp from related (an hour ago) to absolute (11/23/2019 9:34 am)
- Display the RxNorm code of the selected substance in the Add Med Concern popup
- Display (i) button on Med Concerns with the RxNorm code for the substance
- Add two CPT codes for Transitional Care Managment Services to allow users to Set Encounter Type for these services
Patient Info
- Fix display of Incarcerated flag
Lab Results
- Allow user to edit LOINC or SNOMED-CT under the Result Organizer section of the Lab Result popup
escribeHOST 6.50
Friday, October 25th, 2019History
- Add optional Reason Not Done to Tobacco use
- Rename 'Results' to 'Imported Lab Results' for HL7 labs
- Add (optional) new tab 'Lab Results' for recording Lab Results in a structured way with LOINC codes
- Display provider name and contact info at the bottom of the patient portal
- Allow patients to send attachments in messages to provider
- Allow future start/stop dates for therapies
- Allow users to set set code types for documents (similar to E/M codes in office note)
Patient Info
- Add a Care Team section, moving examiner and PCP from 'Medical Info' (this is for CCD/ToC documents, not for faxing, which is unchanged)
- Allow adding non-provider members
escribeHOST 6.49
Sunday, August 11th, 2019Documents
- Remove the following sections from Office Note entry forms: Vitals, Tobacco Use and Cessation, Problems, Immunization - Registry, and Procedures and Services
- Migrate data from Office Note entry forms to the new chart sections: Vitals, History, Problems, Immunizations, and Procedures
- Insert a new patient chart section tool in the vertical tool bar for each new chart section: Problems, Vitals, History, Immunizations, Procedures, and Misc Devices.
- Update document publishing to include all data relevant to a Date of Service but from the chart sections instead of the entryforms.
- New chart section to view and manage patient problems
- ICD-10 codes are required to add new problems, SNOMED-CT codes are optional (but necessary for CQM/interoperability)
- New chart section to view and manage patient immunizations
- New chart section to view and manage patient vitals measurements
- New chart section to view and manage patient procedures
- New chart section to view and manage patient social history and family health history
- Social history includes Tobacco Use and cessation counseling
- Family health history does not replace any existing section in the Office Note entryforms
Misc Devices
- New chart section to record identifying data for medical devices that are NOT managed in Cardiac Devices
Patient Education
- Add (i) buttons in Problems and Meds chart sections to obtain educational documents from MedlinePlus about specific drugs and problems
- Educational resources can be downloaded, printed, or sent to the new Educational Resources section in the patient portal
- Show better field labels in the Change Password form
Patient Info
- Add Amendment Requests tab in Patient Info to manage requests from patients to change information in their records
- Allow multiple ethnicity selections
- Expand the selections for race and ethnicity to meet new standards
- Add new field "Functional Status" with related "as of" date
- Add new field "Cognitive Status" with related "as of" date
Admin Module
- New admin section "Problem Mapping" to map ICD-10 codes to SNOMED-CT codes (required for CQM/interoperability)
- New admin section "Procedure Mapping" to map CPT codes to SNOMED-CT codes (required for CQM/interoperability)
- Add Office Contact Information to the Account Contact section
User Permissions
- Perms for new admin sections: Manage Problem Mapping, Manage Procedure Mapping
- Perms for new chart sections:
- View Problems, Manage Problems, View Vitals, Manage Vitals,
- View Procedures, Manage Procedures, View Immunizations, Manage Immunizations,
- View History, Manage History, View Misc Devices, Managed Misc Devices,
- View Amendment Requests, Manage Amendment Requests
- Display inactive users with a red
strikethruline in Task and Task User Group recipient selectors
Appointment Reminders
- Implement feature to allow user to manually re-schedule a reminder call
Audit Log
- Add new audit log entries for Add/Edit/Delete actions performed in the new chart sections
Cardiac Devices
- Device bills are now suppressed when there is an existing (previously created) Physio bill
- Sort bills in View Bill Batches by Bill Date with most recent on top
escribeHOST 6.48
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019Patient Charts
- Modify icons for the Patient Chart sections in the vertical toolbar to remove the labels and display label on hover
Patient Info
- Display dropdown listbox arrows in Edit View for Patient Info in Internet Explorer
- Present a confirmation message if user attempts to create an appointment with a past date
- Change the column header on the Appointment Status History popup from "Date" to "Date/Time"
- Add a telephone number field labeled Mobile Phone under Fax number on the Add/Edit Account Provider popups
MQ Module
- Prevent Athena message failures for typical failure scenarios like all-zero placeholder phone numbers
- Add Location filter to the Documents landing page in Patient Chart
- Modify the incorrect ICD-10 Code, in place in all documents and also going forward, from "I74.89 Other hyperlipidemia" to "E78.49 Other hyperlipidemia"
- Split Account Admin permission into individual permissions, and remove Account Admin
- If user attempts to navigate to a chart section they dont have access to, redirect to the first permitted section (top-to-bottom, starting with Documents)
- Add View/Manage Amendments permissions for the new Amendments tab in Patient Info
- Auto-hide any open popout menus on the left navigation bar in the Admin module when the user clicks outside it
- Prevent error when adding Task Sub-Area
Audit Log
- Add Object ID as filter in Audit Log
- Display before and after values in the Audit Log for update Order including changes to Order Status
- Add new feature to create an Audit Log downloadable CSV file
Cardiac Devices
Cardiac Device Billing- Replace the existing billing Report with a new billing Module. See attached reference document.
- Add Billing Status indicators to the top of the View Tx popup to info for current billing cycle
- Remove the Billing Start Date field from the Devices tab
- Add Import Manual Transmission with multiple PDF files in the same Save action
- Fix display of Alert icon issues across browsers
- Add an Urgent flag and filter for individual transmissions
- Create audit log entry for Add Manual Transmission
- Standardize the display of the file field on the Import Tx PDF popup across browsers.
- Implemented the backend and UI for Custom Alerts. Additional revisions pending.
- Add Audit Log entry for toggle Tx Urgency
- Show time in UTC when hovering over Tx Date/Time for clarity
escribeHOST 6.47
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019Tasks
- Automatically unlock task when the user who holds the lock removes themself from the task.
- Add "No Follow Up" to the Actions listbox choices
- Expand the width of the Unscheduled Order suggest box
- Update appointment grid display after deleting an appointment block
- Add "Machine Down" in the Missed Appt Reason listbox when Rescheduling an appointment
- Add appointment status history (including user who changed appt status) to View Appt popup
- Improve workflow linking orders and appointments
- Split Faxage out of Account Contact
- Change the label on the left side navbar for Account/Outside Providers
- Fixed a set of display issues with Internet Explorer.
MQ Admin Module
- Fit column headings on a single line instead of word-wrapping
- Allow manually importing MQ messages
- Add new, separate permissions for Account Contact and Faxage in Admin.
- New perm: SCHEDULE_ROOMS_MANAGE to control display of Rooms in Admin
- New perm: SCHEDULE_REASONS_MANAGE to control display of Reasons in Admin
- New perm: DEBUG to control display of debug bottom bar and [Close] button on the working popup
- Move checkbox for perm labeled "Manage PHR Users" to View PHR Chart Section
- Add checbox for perm labeled "Reset All PHR Users Passwords"
Appointment Reminders
- Skipped calls are no longer re-tried
- Exclude appointments for SW_CTA, SW_PET, and NUC_EST
escribeHOST 6.46
Tuesday, April 30th, 2019Documents
- Improve confirmation message when deleting a document
- Small improvements to user permissions config screen
- Move Edit pencils on the right side of config tables
- Remove patient ID (not MRN) from chart header bar (patient ID is in the browser URL)
- Fix display inconsistency in height of chart header bar in Firefox
- Remove obsolete options from charts hamburger menu button
- Remove certain obsolete "Required For" indicators on patient info
- New permission for managing order mappings
- Do not show orders info in chart header bar if use does not have View Orders permission
- Improve layout of notifications on login screen
escribeHOST 6.45
Friday, April 19th, 2019Tasks
- New Task Type - Patient Appointment Request in Other Task Area
- Add link on Add/Edit Order popups to view the linked appointment
- Improve performance of location+assignment popups in exception templates
- Require only APPOINTMENTS_VIEW permission and not APPOINTMENTS_MANAGE to see Next Appt Date in patient chart header
- Show better error message when therapy is deleted by another user while editing
- New layout and color scheme for Patient Info chart section
- Improve patient chart header layout
- Improve layout of Admin vertical navigation toolbar
- Reorganize options in Admin vertical toolbar
Appointment Reminders
- Increase max call attempts per patient from 3 to 6
- Spread call attempts out evenly throughout 3 times of day (2 in the morning, 2 at midday, and 2 in the evening)
- Delay call retries by an hour
- Fix typo in reminder type NONSHOW to NOSHOW
- Close Research Study popup when navigate away from patient chart using browser navigation buttons.
- Allow user to press enter on confirmation dialog popups to accept
MQ Admin
- Fix browser back navigation in MQ Message Details popup
- Hide features instead of disabling them when user does not permission to access that feature
- Modify perm: PATIENT_INFO_VIEW to access Patient Info chart section, and patient contact info on tasks
- Modify perm: PATIENT_INFO_MANAGE to access Create Chart, Edit Patient Info, and "Mark no changes" on patient info
- New perm: LABS_VIEW to access patient chart labs section
- New perm: PATIENT_INFO_PHARMACIES VIEW to access Pharmacies tab in Patient Info
- New perm: PATIENT_INFO_PHARM_MANAGE to access of Add Pharmacy, delete, "Mark no changes" and re-order controls in Pharmacies tab in Patient Info
- New perm: PATIENT_INFO_CONTACTS_VIEW to access Other Contacts tab in Patient Info
- New perm: PATIENT_INFO_CONTACTS_MANAGE to access Add Contact, "Mark no changes", and Edit/Delete tools in Other Contacts tab in Patient Info
- New perm: TASKS_VIEW to access Tasks module and the Tasks chart section
- New perm: TASKS_MANAGE to access Add Comment/Note, Acknowledge, Resolve, Match Patient, and Match Provider tools in Tasks
- Modify perm: TASKS_MANAGE_RECIPIENTS to access Add Others, and Add/Remove Me in the action dropdown in tasks
- Remove the RESEARCH_CREATE and RESEARCH_EDIT permissions and replace them with two new permissions.
- New perm: RESEARCH_VIEW to access Research module and Research tool in patient chart header
- Modify perm RESEARCH_MANAGE to access "+Add Site", Edit Information, Active toggle, Edit study, "+Enroll", in Research module, and Edit pencil in Research in patient charts
- Modify perm: RESEARCH_CREATE to access "+Add Study" button in Research
- Modify perm: UNSIGNED_REPORTS_VIEW to access Unsigned Reports module (DOCUMENTS_VIEW is necessary to actually view documents)
- New perm: INDEXING_VIEW to access Indexing module
- New perm: INDEXING_MANAGE to access Import Batch, Indexing Jobs, Batch Scan Jobs, Mark Completed, and page controls in Indexing, and the "Import..." button in documents patient chart section
- New perm: ADMIN_MODULE_VIEW to access the Admin module
- New perm: USERS_MANAGE to access Users tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: PHR_USERS_MANAGE to access PHR Users tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: TASKS_USER_GROUPS_MANAGE to access TUGs tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: TASKS_SUB_AREAS_MANAGE to access Sub-Areas tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: CONTRAINDICATIONS_MANAGE to access Contraindications tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: LOCATIONS_MANAGE to access Locations tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: INSURANCE_PLANS_MANAGE to access Insurance Plans tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: PROBLEMS_MAPPING_MANAGE to access Problems Mapping tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: SECURITY_TOOLS_MANAGE to access Security Tools tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: AUDIT_LOG_VIEW to access Audit Log tool in Admin module (was part of ACCOUNT_ADMIN perm)
- New perm: SYSTEM_NOTIFICATIONS_MANAGE to access System Notifications tool in Admin module (tool previously controlled by ACCOUNT_ADMIN)
escribeHOST 6.44
Wednesday, March 27th, 2019Tasks
- Add 'Remove Me from this Task' feature to tasks
- Use [X] button to archive task only (does not remove user from task)
- Do not automatically unarchive tasks when user adds a comment
- Automatically unarchive tasks when user's feedback is required
- Allow user to associate an appointment to an Order on the Add Appointment Popup
- Only allow orders with a blank Scheduled Date/Time to be associated with appointments
- Set the Scheduled Date/Time when associating an order to an appointment
- Show linked order in the View Appointment Popup
- Persist filtered search results in Exception Days after editing a template
- Show better errors when editing a therapy another user deleted at the same time
- Disable Stopped By field if Stopped Date is empty
Patient Info
- Add new field Incarcerated in General tab of Patient Info
- Add new field Sexual Orientation on the General Tab of Patient Info
- Add new field Gender Identify
- Accurately scroll text in the System Notification UI.
- Update pdf software to latest version and prevent memory leaks.
Appointment Reminders
- Add Admin module for monitoring patient reminder calls
User Permissions
- Add new Patient Charts permission to control high-level access to patient charts
MQ Admin
- Change the name of HL7 Admin module to MQ Admin (Message Queue)
escribeHOST 6.43
Friday, February 22nd, 2019Login
- New look for login and logged out screens
Appointment Reminders
- Implement twilio integration for appointment reminders
- Add the Appointment Reminders subsection under the Manage Schedules tool in Admin
- Allow changing reason when rescheduling an appointment
- Do not allow inactive reasons when overriding reason
- Do not allow adding inactive reasons to Assignments
- Indicate inactive reasons in the add appointment popup (when assignments still have inactive reasons)
Patient Info
- Make "Status as of" date field optional
- Allow setting "Can Text" checkbox when using contact for "Other Phone"
- Modify duration calculation for Appointment Duration report
- Add Pacer Dependent column to Cardiac Device Matched Devices report
Audit Log
- Fix pagination of audit log
User Permissions
- Change the Activate/Deactivate toggle button to a checkbox labeled "Allow user login"
- Add new permission: Manage Appointment Reminders
MQ Admin
- Rename HL7 Admin to Message Queue Admin, to allow future support of other protocols
Cardiac Devices
- Add created-by username to Impression and Plan
- Remove Billing Cycle field (inferred from device type and physiologic monitoring value)
- Sort impressions and plans by datetime added
- Fix error for BSX transmissions with Shock Energy but no Shock Number
- Allow user to open the HL7 message from the View Transmission popup
escribeHOST 6.42
Monday, February 4th, 2019Schedule
- Add 'Change Status for All' feature to change all appointments in the filtered list shown (for upcoming patient reminder calls module)
- View Appointment patient link opens documents section of the patient charts
- Show View Appointment popup when clicking the appointment squircle on Provider/Room grid
- Allow selecting a date range in Exception Day Template filters
- Delay loading Exception Day Templates until user clicks search (skips initial unfiltered load time)
- Show a better error message when opening an appointment that was just deleted by another user
- Improve descriptions for these CPT codes: 92960, 93312, 93313, 93314, 93318, 93320, 93321, 93325, 93971
- Open orders chart section when clicking patient name in Orders grid
Patient Info
- Allow downloading patient info as a PDF
- Add 'Allow Texts' to patient info phone numbers
- Allow future dates for Status as-of date
- Fix misleading PHR recipient selection when navigating using bookmarks or URL editing
- Fix error message when changing default module under certain circumstances
- Show the Patient Search tool only if user has View Patient Info permission
- Fix pagination in the Audit Log (some entries were hidden under certain circumstances, last page tool did not work)
escribeHOST 6.41
Thursday, January 10th, 2019Schedule
- Modify the layout of the filters and tools on the top of the Daily Schedule
- Add time filter to allow user to filter by AM, PM, or All Times.
- Update the bubble counts on the Orders module tool when user clicks on the tool
- Allow user to create a pdf of the same document multiple times in the same session
HL7 Feeds
- Add loading indicator to the HL7 Message preview
- Allow manual importing of HL7 messages
- Remove PDF file contents from the HL7 message preview
- Trim the error message in HL7 messages to 125 characters (click ellipsis for full text)
- Persist HL7 Admin Grid filters until logout
- Change color of rows on mouse hover in HL7 grid
Patient Info
- Fix error when navigating browser manually to an invalid patient ID
- Add new report: Cardiac Device Billing Due Today
- Allow empty email in Add/Edit locations
- Add CPT codes to the library: 93294, 93295, 93296, 93297, 93298, 93299, 78803
escribeHOST 6.40
Thursday, December 20th, 2018Schedule
- Add new status: Reschedule Required
- Improve layout of filters
Banner Bar
- Improve mouse hover tooltips
- Fix changing default module
- Add new report: Cardiac Device Billing Due Today
- Add new report: Cardiac Device Last Transmission Date
Unsigned Reports
- Add prompt when navigating away while editing a document directly in unsigned reports
- Record the processing method used for HL7 messages at processing time
escribeHOST 6.39
Thursday, December 6th, 2018Reports
- Appointments: add cancel/rescheduled reason and date columns
- Prevent the ellipsis popup from persisting in the UI when focus is removed
- Do not display the select-checkboxes when Rerun is not allowed
- Fix processing NEH messages
- Make sharper edges on the User lookup in Admin
Patient Info
- Modify the layout of the Insurance section of Patient Info to eliminate unnecessary headers
- Restrict numeric input in Vitals fields
- Improve display of the Add/Edit Vitals popups to align fields and prevent text wrapping
- Eliminate extraneous error messages on PHR login
Unsigned Reports
- Warn when navigating away when there are unsaved changes in a note being edited
- Impose a shadow when cursor focus is on a checkbox
escribeHOST 6.38
Thursday, November 8th, 2018Reports
- Appointments: differentiate durations between provider/room appts
- provider: checkin=>exam=>checkout
- room: checkin=>testing=>checkout
- Appointments: remove columns, and add 3 new columns
- Always display dates on one line without word-wrapping
- Display apostrophes correctly in orders list
- Add 'Created By' filter to Exception Day Templates
- Improve filter widgets
- Fix typo for midnight '00:00 AM' => '12:00 AM'
- Clear all checkmarks from status filter on [Reset to Defaults]
- Date/time filters: clear and disable time when date is blank/cleared
- Date/time filters: default 'Start' time to 12:00am
- Date/time filters: default 'End' time to 11:59pm
- Fix double-click behavior in Contraindications Alerts
- Display provider names in audit log changes 'Description'
- Prevent incorrect hiding of delete tool for Sites
Patient Info
- Added Payer to the Insurance section (required for certification)
- Allow deleting patient charts when appointments exist
- Appointments: differentiate durations between provider/room appts
escribeHOST 6.37
Thursday, October 18th, 2018Navigation
- Allow user to select initial module from the username dropdown in the header bar
- Do not show last-closed patient when clicking chart module in the top bar
- Add most-recent followup date column labeled "F/U Date"
- Show date/time, action, user, and comment for most recent action on mouse hover
- Update followup-date when a new action is saved
- Increase visible size of orders module
- Display exception template creator's username and date/time created, on the list and individually
- Disable exception template [Delete Selected] button when switching between Provider/Room
- Remove unnecessary error message when returning to the Document List after deleting an open document
- Allow searching for HL7 jobs by message header and patient segments (MSH and PID)
- Add permissions for HL7 administration
- Allow user to refresh list of HL7 jobs
- Display Account Document Header in the View box of Account Settings even if address fields are blank
Audit Log
- Improve formatting of audit log descriptions for imported appointments
- Allow selecting recently created categories
escribeHOST 6.36
Thursday, September 27th, 2018Schedule
- Warn users editing appointments that were deleted by another user at the same time
- Refresh View Grid when clearing Provider or Room
- Fix disabled Interval in Add Appointment popup
- Show an error when selecting dates outside existing Rotation Templates
- Refresh Appointments in the Daily Schedule after saving a new Appointment
- Clear the patient field when user closes the Add Appointment popup
- Use permissions to control whether documents and buttons at the bottom of the View Appointment are visible
- Add the [Add Action] function (including Followup Date) to the Orders grid dropdown
- Display Action History as view-only in the Order
- Migrate the Left Message on Machine value (LMOM) value from Schedule Delay Reason to Actions
- Persist selected filters on the Order module until logout
- Display Patient Lookup as default landing page, if user does not have the View Appointments permission
- Standardize all document headers
- Add new module for viewing and managing inbound HL7 messages
- Improve performance for research studies with many enrollees
Patient Info
- Improve validation errors on save
- Prevent trailing and leading whitespace in free-text fields
- Display PCP Office Phone and Fax Number in Medical section
- Improve and expand the list of preferred languages
- Make new Task User Group selectable immediately after saving it
- Add Rooms to the Appointment Duration report
- Add new report: Appointments and Unsigned Office Note (all appts for pts with in-progress office notes)
- Improve performance of synchronization/server push
escribeHOST 6.35
Thursday, August 23rd, 2018Orders
- Do not create Prior Auth/Scheduling tasks when a provider signs an order
- For canceled orders, display date and username of who canceled it in (?) tool
- Improve performance for View Grid UIs
- Show Min/Max values on in View Grid and Add Appointment
- Add Completed appointment status for hospital appointments
- Require provider/room and patient before searching/selecting dates in Add Appointment
- Require provider/room and patient before entering time, reason, or duration in Add Appointment
- Fix bug where last added appointment was overlaid in View Grid popup
- Printed daily schedule now shows full text of comments
- Require 'Manage Patient Appointments' permission for [+Appt] button on the daily schedule
- Fix bug preventing clearing recently added assignment/location blocks
- Improve error message for invalid Contact Phone
- Improve date navigation in daily scheduled
- Highlight date suggestions on mouse hover
- Add Location to the bumplist
- Prevent updating appointment status when another user has already updated it
- Allow editing second-address-line in account settings
- Fix manual URL change navigation issue in Provider Library
- Show mismatched data when linking user and provider fails
- Remove non-plaintext values from Insurance External ID field in Insurance Plans
- Update the account provider information card after editing providers
- Change icon for vitals from a heart to a stethoscope
- Fix provider phone number display on the printed Rx
- Remove validation error when typing pharmacy phone number in Add Pharmacy
- Add new report: Appointments by Insurance
- Add new report: Task Open Count by Recipient
escribeHOST 6.34
Saturday, August 4th, 2018Audit Log
- Performance improvement when generating entries in the audit log
Patient info
- Bug fix when multiple error messages on Save
- Persist filters in daily schedule until log out
- Allow user to add appointments from daily schedule (in addition to the user chart)
- Add MRN and DOB to the printed daily schedule
- New appt statuses: AMBULANCE (awaiting ambulance) and LEFT_WBS (left without being seen)
- Briefly highlight changes to appt status (blue for appts user changed, orange for appts others have changed)
- Open the Tasks Inbox on Log in if user does not have View Appointments permission
- Completely clear the Day Template box in the 20-day grid when user clicks Clear All on the Day Template popup.
- Improve performance of add-appointment popup
- Sort documents in Download Last Visit by appointment time
- Hide the documents list in Appointment Details popup if user does not have View Documents permission
- Refresh Next Appt when clicking refresh in Patient Chart header bar
- Count appts created in the date range for Appointments Created By User report
- New task type Outpatient Telemetry Report in Reading Worklist Task Area
- Do no display inactive account providers in the Outside Provider Library
- When user cannot be linked to provider because of mismatched data, inform the user which data does not match
escribeHOST 6.33
Saturday, July 21st, 2018Schedule
- Initial schedule module release
- Migrate appointments from MedicalManager to escribeHOST
- Migrate patient appointment warning settings from MedicalManager
- Fix some navigation issues
- Add creation datetime to Appointment Details
- Disable Add Appointment button if patient status is Inactive, Discharged, Transferred, or Deceased.
- Add mobile view of daily schedule for small screens
- Allow user to start typing immediately after clicking X to clear the Provider suggest box on the Add Appointment popup
- Add explicit Search button to Exception Templates
- Fix incorrect display of apostrophes in schedule
- Include previous room when rescheduling an appointment
- Next Visit label in the patient chart header reflects changes after editing appointments
- Add 10 new CPT codes
- Modify "Allergic to Iodine" text
- Add new "Reading Worklist" task types for Stress Echocardiogram and Transcranial Doppler
- Show clearer error when missing Task Sub-Area Name
Insurance Plans
- Allow deleting insurance plans that are not in use in any patient chart
- Add "cannot be deleted" message when deleting Insurance Plans that are in use
- Add a "CREATED BY" column to Appointments Report
- Add a new report "Appointments Created by User" listing appt counts by user
- Add a new report "BMI Compliance" listing pts with an office visit with height/weight recorded
- Allow automated/schedule report generation via command line
- Indicate invalid phone numbers as you type
- Allow phone numbers to start with + and contain anything
- Allow numerals in name for PHR users
- Show patient name in grey for Inactive/Discharged/Transferred/Deceased
- Add MRN and DOB to the top of all pages when printing Patient Info
- Show better error when adding a contact with a name longer than 35 characters
- Fix error message when user session timed out
- Add barcode scanning for: Advanced Directive, CTA Coronaries, CTA Neck, MRI/MRA
- Add basic permissions for the future Cardiac Devices module
escribeHOST 6.32
Sunday, June 17th, 2018Documents
- Fix bug to make chart section header text match selected chart section
- Fix extensions in fax number for account providers
- Automatic appointment date suggestions
- Improve provider/room in appointment creation popup
- Remove assignment/location blocks on 'Clear All' in day templates
- Fix missing locations in legacy appointments
Patient Info
- Prevent duplicate MRNs even in automatic patient updates
- Remove default SSN "123456789" from MedicalManager HL7 messages
- Wrap comment field in patinet info
- Grey-out patient name for inactive patients
- Allow up to 60 chars in plan name in Insurance Plans Admin
- Make Task User Groups case insensitive
- Add Internal ESH Patient ID filter to the Audit Log admin section
- Warn when navigating away while editing a snippet
- Fix navigation error when moving between Admin sections
- Add optimistic locking to the Insurance Plans section of Admin.
- Standardize phone number widgets and data entry
- Remove all invalid existing phone numbers, and prevent invalid new numbers
- Add the release version and build information at the top of the app
- Allow user to use the browser back button to log in after logging out
- Display total error count in red validation messages, and number each error
- Clear the Unsigned Reports queue on entering and exiting the list.
escribeHOST 6.31
Thursday, May 24th, 2018Admin
- New Insurance Plans section to add/edit/delete insurance plans
- Add insurance plans
- Change sort order of Prior Auth Status filter
- Orders grid is restored to full height when returning from editing an order.
- Not exposed: Scheduler will be able to select any date in the on the Daily Schedule to view past and future appointments.
- Not exposed: put focus in the Provider field on the Add Appointment popup when popup first opens.
Patient Info
- Show error messages when MedMan or Schuylab (or both) are down when user saves Patient Info
- If MedMan is down when user clicks the Save button in Patient Info, user will see this message: "The patient information has been saved in escribeHOST but the patient account cannot be created/updated in Medical Manager because Medical Manager is unable to receive the message. You must add this chart or make updates directly in Medical Manager."
- If Schuylab is down when user clicks the Save button in Patient info, user will see this message: "The patient information has been saved in escribeHOST, but the patient account cannot be updated in Schuylab because Schuylab is unable to receive the update. Try again later to save the changes."
- Email address is now validated when adding or editing the Email field in Locations.
- Users will now receive a carry forward warning when there is an issue with a value that was present in the previous document but may have been hidden from publishing due to inconsistencies in the ICD-9 to ICD-10 conversion in 2015.
- Change layout of chart header
- Show validation notifications to user when Subject Number or Site number exceeds the maximum
- Fix width of the Site listbox
- Fix tab navigation in the Add New Site popup
Task User Groups
- Maintain a consistent ordering when adding/editing TUGs
- Standardize behavior of suggest boxes throughout the application
- Add day-of-week abbreviation to calendars in date selectors
- Remove the Export button from Unsigned Reports
escribeHOST 6.30
Thursday, May 10th, 2018Patient Info
New Chart Section- Apply validation to the email field on the Add/Edit Other Contact
- Reset the date when user changes the Patient Status
- Notify user when editing Patient Info if MRN is absent (changes are saved in ESH but not in MedicalManager)
- Notify user when editing Patient Info if Schuylab is unable to process the edit
- Refresh Patient Info when clicking on the left Chart Section navigation bar
- Prevent future date selection in the Enroll Date field
- Improve Order Filter animation and display
- Add new "Order Type" filter and column on the Orders module landing page
- Add Schedule Date Range filter and change the label of the "Scheduled Date" filter to "Scheduled Status"
- Update descriptions of these CPT codes: 93329, 93886, 93888, 93351
- Fixed the incorrect display of Delay reason codes "LMOM" and "NOSHO"
- Improve performance of opening rotation templates
- Improve performance of Location/Assignment slot editing in Day Templates
- Fix deleting provider Day Templates from non-active rotation templates
- Fix clearing Include Past checkbox in Exception Day Templates
- Navigate directly to newly created Rotation Templates
- Fix URL navigation issues in Schedule Templates
- Fix the display of the Add buttons on the Add Exception Day template
- Update the Location Name column display width in the Locations Settings Admin section
- New "Appointments" report for upcoming ESH appointments module to list all appointments for a date range
escribeHOST 6.29
Tuesday, April 24th, 2018Locations
- Add/Edit locations with all location fields
- Use full height of display area for showing filtered orders
- Users no longer prevented from Completing an order if the Prior Auth Status is "Uninsured"
- Display CPT Code and Description on the Printed order with emphasis
- Display Nrder Number and Order Status in a grey box to distinguish them from their labels
- Rename the comment field below Schedule Date to "General Comment" to distinguish it from the PA Comment
- Add two new Schedule Delay Reasons: On Wait List (WT_LIST) and No Show (NOSHO).
- Display cancelled orders with grey color like completed orders
- Hide past Exception Day Templates
- Add checkmark to include past Exception Day Templates
- Prevent user from unmarking 'Scheduled Provider' for providers with schedule day templates or exception templates
- Show only 'Scheduled' providers with at least one template in Rotation Template Provider filter
- Show only 'Scheduled' providers with at least one template in Exception Template Provider filter
- Show only 'Scheduled', active providers in Add new Exception Template
- Show only 'Scheduled', active providers in Daily Schedule provider filter
- Show only 'Scheduled', active providers in Add New Appointment Provider
- Disable save button on the Add Appointment popup if neither provider nor room is selected
- Enable save button on the Add Appointment popup if provider/room is selected AND a Date is selected
- Improve response time when making changes to assignment/location slots in templates
- Add Refresh button to Patient Chart header
- Stop updating patient chart header when moving between chart sections (still updated on initial chart loading)
- Add new report: "No Show Follow Up Report" to obtain a list of all appointments with reason code "NOSHOFU"
- Cleanup audit log entries when updating Task User Groups
- Improve phone number fields keyboard navigation/editing
- Add a new Insurance Plan '408 Empire Blue Cross 2ndary (BC)'
escribeHOST 6.28
Thursday, April 5th, 2018Tasks
- Keep task search-filters anchored above task list
- Restrict sub-areas filter to selected area filter
- Prevent user from saving two exception day templates with the same Provider/Room and same date
- Fix duplicate-room error message
- Improve performance of deleting provider/room day templates
- Remove the 2nd CPT field from all order forms and orders
- Reset all filters when user clicks reset-to-defaults (bug fix)
escribeHOST 6.27
Thursday, March 22nd, 2018Tasks
Task SubAreas
Multiple TaskUserGroups- Add admin-configurable task SubAreas, to group related task Types within an Area
- Allow assigning multiple default TaskUserGroups to a single task Type
- Improve and simplify search filters
- Persist selected search filters for each login session, across browser tabs
- Add search filters for every displayed column
- Collapse search filters on search to display more orders on screen at once
- Standardize display of locations
- Add admin-configurable account-wide document header display
- Simplify Exception Template dates- remove date rules, only use exact dates
- Group consecutive dates in a date range
- Show holiday dates as a single span from oldest to latest
escribeHOST 6.26
Sunday, February 11th, 2018Orders
- Prevent users from creating orders for inactive patients
- Add CPT codes: 78492+78459 (Cardiac PET Perfusion+Viability)
- BMI and Weight no longer required on orders
- Change text 'Location' => 'Test Location'
- Added an Edit button to the View Order popup
- Changed description for many ultrasound-related CPT codes
- Sort CPT codes in searchable dropdowns
- Validate date values in Add/Edit Orders (note: '0018' is still a valid year)
- Add 'In Progress' Order Status actions dropdown and Status filter
- Improved the display of Comment text in the View Order popup.
- Allow user to Edit a complete order, but only allow editing the comment field
- Removed order medications fields, replace with hardcoded text
- Add fields to the printed order: 'MRN', 'Scheduled Date/Time', 'Order Date'
- Fixed signed orders dropdowns issue
- Restored text 'min' to the values when selecting Duration
- Vastly improve the performance of the Calendar Spreadsheet (total time to load)
- Skip weekends in the date-picker arrows, unless there is a template for that weekend
- Allow hiding Cancelled/Rescheduled/No-Show appts (default is to hide)
- Allow user to edit Exception Type in the Edit Exception Day template popup
- Default sort on the Exception Day Template landing page is now by date rule
- Added Start Week to Rotation Templates to allow user to align templates
- Do not automatically generate bumplists modifying Location/Assignment blocks in templates (on-demand only)
- Generate bumplists automatically when deleting day templates and exception day templates
- Notify user when generated bumplist is empty, instead of not doing anything
- Present only today's and future appointments in bumplists
- Do not include appointments with a status of Cancelled or Rescheduled in bumplists
- Display Location-Assignment pairs in a consistent, predicatable order in templates and spreadsheets
- Add View Grid to Daily Summary, to show appts on top of the template for a single day and single provider/room
- Move appointment block UI display when changing start time with the dropdown
- Persist Reason code when rescheduling an appointment
- Add function to Copy Exception Day Template
- Allow making appts for dates in future rotation templates
- Do not display invalid reasons in appointment blocks
- Audit editing Insurance in Demographics
- Add Plan ID to Insurance.
- Remove Insurance Policy Number from Demographics
- New Task Type: Palliative Care
- Subtle change to dropdowns/picklists display style
- Only count entryform documents in Non-Invasive Procedure (ignore pdf documents)
- Fix the ? in the Status column in the Schedule module (legacy schedule)
escribeHOST 6.25
Sunday, January 14th, 2018Schedule
- Widen the room field on the Add Appointment popup
- Copy day template to exception day template
- Add a Booking Count column to Daily Schedule
- Fix pre-filling provider in add-appointment popup
- Remove appointment squircles for Cancelled/Rescheduled appointments in Add Appointment popup
- Print list of filtered Exception Day Templates
- Remove times that are outside rotation template start/end time in Add Appointment popup
- Draw template grids and daily schedules with heavier lines
- Add multiple-exact-date rule to Exception Day Templates (requires addtl click to add date)
- Added new Exception Type: Holiday
- Changed the order of the fields at the top of the Add Appointment popup
- Prevent scheduling appointments if the slots in question have been changed since starting to add appt
- Use patient primary examiner for default provider in Add Appointment popup (only allow "Scheduled Providers" to default)
- Return user to the active Rotation Template when dismissing Add/Edit/Copy Rotation Template popups
- Show up to two assignments in Add Appointment popup (more than 2 gets an ellipsis)
- Update Exception Type for pre-existing exception templates, based on the description
- Persist certain values from previous appointment when Rescheduling
- Show Critical Orders count for non-provider users, in addition to providers
- Fix order of AUCs in list box on Add/Edit Order
- Fixed entry rules for BMI and Weight
- Insert insurance information directly into the Add/Edit Order popup
- Fix width/display on orders module landing page
- Added Prior Auth Due Date filter
- Add Policy Number to Insurance information
- Do not allow users to send messages to inactive providers
- Display underlying permission names on hover in Admin
- Set no default selection in Admin when user is not an Administrator
- Add canned release message pre-set to System Notifications, instead of copy/pasting it every release
escribeHOST 6.24
Tuesday, December 19th, 2017Schedule
- Add 'All Day' shortcut when adding a Location or Assignment in templates
- Add 'Clear All' shortcut to remove all Locations, Assignments, and AM/PM max patients in templates
- Fix bug preventing Copy Rotation Template.
- Modify buttons to clarify workflow when editing/saving templates
- Cleanup how warnings for affected appointments are presented for exception templates
- Add Exception Types (Vacation, Conference, Off, Other) to exception templates
- Add a free-text comment field to rotation templates
- Add a tooltip to the Show-in-Summary Column to clarify what it does
- Apply the Show-in-Summary field to the Calendar Template Spreadsheet
- Expand fields to completely fill the width of the Add/Edit Order popups
- Fix ui quirk where the Actions popup menu appeared above the orders module
- Change the Due Date label to Results Due Date
- Abbreviate 'Status' column
- Display only provider's last name in the Provider column
- Display only the CPT Code in the Test column (display description on hover)
- Removed the Time component of Scheduled Date & Time to show only Scheduled Date
- Display patient preferred phone number directly in bottom the Task, and allow call-shortcuts if enabled in the browser
- Display patient preferred phone number at the top of the patient chart in Mobile, and allow call-shortcuts if enabled in the browser
escribeHOST 6.23
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017Orders
- Remove height/weight/BMI as required fields to sign an order
- Finalize features, fix bugs
escribeHOST 6.22
Thursday, November 30th, 2017Orders
- New Orders module (Features not available until your administrator provides permissions)
- New fields for patient insurance: Primary Insurance, Subscriber ID, Group ID, Policy Number
- For recent-only, always show the 10 most recent, in addition to all in the last 2 years
- Persist unchecking 'Show recent only' until another patient chart is loaded
- Fix downloading Last Visit (documents with DOS before date-created previously could not be downloaded)
Schedule Templates
- Add warning with list of appointments affected by Exception Day Templates
- Add alternate-row shading to printed Rotation Template Spreadsheet
- Fix errors in Room Day Templates
- Sort assignments in Add-Assignment-Block
- Sort assignments in Admin case-insensitive
escribeHOST 6.21
Monday, October 16th, 2017Documents
Recent Documents October 2017- Show only recent documents (last two years) by default in patient charts
- Add 'x' button to clear selection in radio buttons in all entryforms
- Add 'Created By' filter to task search
- Add 'working' popup when loading the medication list for clarity
- Prevent future date for medication concerns
- Add account address and phone (for future functionality regarding printing orders)
- Cleanup account settings presentation
Schedule Templates
- Rotation Template Summary assignment/location pair fixes (remove unnecessary ?s)
- Exception day templates AM/PM max override only when specified (instead of overriding with 0 if left empty)
- Add checkbox to the Account Provider UI to distinguish Scheduled Providers from non-Scheduled Providers.
- Omit inactive providers from the list of Porviders on the Add Provider Exception Day Template popup
- Make Summary Day Template popup bigger to fit more on screen at once
Audit Log
- Display schedule time using 24-hour clock
escribeHOST 6.20
Thursday, September 7th, 2017Admin
- Account settings now include a reply-to email address for outbound emails
- Clarify and consolidate user permissions (no change to capabilities)
- Fix error message when re-starting certain discontinued therapies instead of starting a new therapy
- Clarify descriptions of some Task areas and types
- Add [Batch Scan Jobs] tool to show statuses for all uploaded batch scans (similar to [Indexing Jobs] for indexed patient documents)
- Temporarily remove Orders chart tool to accommodate new changes
- Add [x] button to allow easy clearing of certain radio buttons
escribeHOST 6.19
Thursday, July 13th, 2017Reports
- New Report: User Performance Locations By Doctype By Location
- Improve performance of Active User report
- Improve audit log performance when searching for a single user
- Improve performance for serverpush messages and user verification
- Remove dates for patient status when un-setting that status
escribeHOST 6.18
Sunday, June 18th, 2017Reports
- New Report: Patient Charts with PHR User Count
- Show better message when report results are empty
- New Task Type: Prior Authorization - PET
- Show inactive providers in the account and outside provider libraries
- Increase granularity of administrative permissions
- Store all timestamps in UTC (instead of storing in user's timezone)
- Display all timestamps in the user's local timezone (instead of the timezone it was saved in)
- Standardize popup sizes across the app
escribeHOST 6.17
Wednesday, May 17th, 2017Reports
Reports Quick Reference April 2017- Added Reports admin module allowing on-demand reporting
- New Report: Active Patients
- New Report: Active Users
- New Report: Documents In Progress
- New Report: Indexing Jobs
- New Report: Non-invasive Procedures
- New Report: Outside Providers Without Fax
- New Report: Patients Needing Office Visit
- New Report: Tasks Created
- New Report: Tasks Resolved
- New Report: Transitional Care Management
- New Report: User Performance
Indexing UI April 2017- Improve page navigation UI
- Clarify navigation vs action controls in indexing
- Add go-to-page navigation that allows typing a specific page
- Clicking on a successful indexing job goes to the source of the first page
- Add formatting to system notifications, to allow links in future messages
- Prevent inactive admin users from receiving system-generated tasks
escribeHOST 6.16
Sunday, April 2nd, 2017Schedule Templates
- Creating and managing Rotation Templates
- Creating and managing Provider and Room Day Templates
- Creating and managing Exception Day Templates
- Creating and managing Assignments and Reasons
- Additional location management functions for scheduling
- Improved layout of admin navigation tools
- Next appointment reflects the earliest time for patients with multiple appointments in one day
- Primary examiner removed from the Fax list for fax-on-demand
escribeHOST 6.15
Saturday, March 4th, 2017- Allow downloading advanced chart search results as a CSV file
- Fix bug relating to EPCS that made it seem as if prescriptions were taking longer to be sent
- Remove 2nd and 3rd fax number options from providers, and remove fax-enabled checkboxes
- Add new HL7 Athena external provider mappings
escribeHOST 6.14
Friday, February 10th, 2017Indexing
Indexing Jobs (Quick Update Guide) Feb 2017
Indexing Module (Full Documentation) Feb 2017- Add indexing jobs popup with pending/failure/success statuses for ALL jobs
- Add status icons to indexing job pages
- Allow (and require) manual toggling of completed/unindexed to move batch scans into and out of the unindexed queue
- When editing users that are linked to providers, apply the edits also to the provider.
- When editing providers that are linked to users, apply the edits also to the user.
- Add 'date modified' to provider active/inactive toggle
- Bugfix: allow user to print blank med list
- Clarify the error when attempting to delete a patient with a PHR user
- Align document types more accurately in escribe-scan-upload
- New 'Prior Auth' task types: Exercise Stress Test, PVR, Carotid Ultrasound
escribeHOST 6.13
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017
Edit Location Codes 2017- Change default Document Type mapping in scan-upload for CCA
- Standardize middle name length to 35 characters (providers, users, patients)
- Add Location Codes to Locations section of Admin (with temporary values, can be edited by Account Admin users)
- Add Rx refills and quantity to the printed Meds List
- Allow more top-level domains in email (particularly for certain public school districts)
- Collapse Task Search filters if there is at least one task found
escribeHOST 6.12
Thursday, December 1st, 2016PHR
- Add location to PHR message task
- Fix patient chart tasks link from PHR message task
- Small PHR UI cleanup
- If user has just edited patient demographics, use the latest name when creating a PHR user
- Update the UI to better reflect admin privileges for Manage PHR User
- Use the same validation for middle name in user library and provider libraries
- Fix searching for and displaying providers with apostrophes in their name
- When linking provider to a user, require that the names match exactly in both libraries
- Update the calendar widget in the Change Password popup
- Remove Send Corrections button from documents
- Standardize UI for deleting things
- Deliver Xarleto/Eliquis report to CCA
- 340b CaptureRx prescription reporting for SVMC
escribeHOST 6.11
Monday, November 14th, 2016Login/Security
- Users now MUST change their password upon logging in with a temporary password (following a reset-password email).
- Standardize display of inactive med concerns and problems
- Remove a rare, annoying but harmless 'error' popup
- Update formulary information
- Fix rare bug concerning publishing med concerns in office note that would prevent publishing
Users can no longer delay entering the email for the patient (or representative) when sending a document to the PHR.
A PHR user (the patient or representative) must exist at the time the document is sent.
This is because we are now notifying by email when a document is sent to the PHR Portal.
As before, the user will be prompted to enter the patient's email to allow the patient to access the PHR;
HOWEVER, unlike before, this cannot be delayed.
ALSO, the user sending the document must have both PHR permissions:
"Access PHR Chart Section" and "Manage PHR Users"
Please take this change into consideration when assigning these two new permissions to your employees.
Patients with passphrases for the old PHR have been given usernames, and temporary passwords mailed.
Documents in the old PHR will be migrated to the new PHR, as soon as possiblePHR Login
- Replace existing patient portal with new, more secure, PHR with more features
- Replace 'passphrase' authentication with the same username/password security EHR users have
- Allow multiple login accounts for a single patient (patient + patient representatives)
- In addition to needing to set a new password upon login, PHR users must also enter the DOB of the patient
PHR Documents
- Store PHR documents in secure Amazon S3 Cloud Storage, instead of locally on our servers
- Add optional document result-status when sending documents to PHR, and display them to the patient in the PHR document list
PHR Admin
- Add preview of PHR for users with 'Access PHR Chart Section' permission (user sees what the patient/patient-rep will see)
- Add PHR Admin section to view all PHR users, and to reset the password of EVERY PHR USER AT ONCE
- Allow users with 'Manage PHR Users' to add/edit/enable/disable PHR users, and reset their passwords via email
- Pre-fill fields for PHR user creation using the patient's information
- Automatically start the process of adding a user when attempting to send a document or message to the PHR
PHR Messages
- Allow normal EHR users to send messages to patients, which appear in the PHR message inbox
- Allow patient PHR users to send messages to their provider, which appear in the Task Inbox for that provider
escribeHOST 6.10
Thursday, October 13th, 2016CaptureRx
- Implement Patient File and Prescriber File for CaptureRx 340b
User Administration
- Replace lock icon with "Reset password" button with icon on the User Permissions page
- Added user's email address below the user's name on the User Permissions page
- Standardized display of all names in the app (e.g.: never have comma before provider credentials. previously, sometimes there was, sometimes there wasnt)
escribeHOST 6.9.1
Monday, September 26th, 2016- BUGFIX: Allow patient access to PHR (broken in 6.9)
escribeHOST 6.9
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016User Administration
- Allow admins to edit details of a user
- When resetting passwords, automatically email random passwords to the user, instead of creating new passwords manually
User MUST have an email address saved to have their password reset. Please see the attached training materials for instructions on all the changes for Add User, Edit User, and Reset Password with this release.
Add User September 2016
Edit User / Reset Password September 2016
- PCP field in Demographics is now sorting correctly.
- Fixed display of the Change provider name popup on the Unsigned Reports queue.
Error Handling
- Server-side error message have an English prefix now identifying the error.
escribeHOST 6.8
Thursday, September 1st, 2016Browsers+Mobile
- Mobile display of published notes improved (fonts adjusted for easier viewing, etc)
- Improve scrollbars display for Mac OSX in Chrome and Safari (no change in Firefox)
- Add new task types: appointment clarification, pharmacist consult
Patient Charts
- Add short names for chart sections (e.g.: "Medication Concerns" => "Allergies")
- Improve vitals chart section (sort order, bmi display, comments display, error on saving)
- Sign-and-notify message improvement
- Fix hiding of certain fields in patient demographics while editing other fields
- Sort provider names in orders section
Error Handling
- Handle invalid URLs, connectivity errors, and server errors more gracefully
- Show a warning on really long task comments instead of throwing an ugly error
- Remove warning message when resizing the screen under certain circumstances
- Handle duplicate MRN warning more gracefully
- Clarify permission errors for research studies, labs, and emergency access
Advanced Chart Search
- Rename Advanced Chart Search problems search to 'Problems (Office Note)'
- Add Advanced Chart Search field 'Problems (Chart Section)' to search the not-yet-released problems module
Unsigned Reports
- Clear provider when 'done signing' in unsigned reports
- Implemented a progress message that displays while the user waits for the Unsigned Documents list to display.
- Fix saving provider 'country' in provider admin
- System Notifications admin ui improvements
escribeHOST 6.7.1
Wednesday, August 17th, 2016- fix bug where non-admin users could not create providers
- improve user permissions for admin module
escribeHOST 6.7
Thursday, August 11th, 2016System Notifications
- Allow administrators to send real-time notification alerts to logged-in users
- Allow escribeHOST to alert logged-in users of impending maintenance and releases
- Improve PDF conversion performance
escribeHOST 6.6
Thursday, July 21st, 2016- Allow clearing selection dropdowns with an [X] button
- Detect auto-logout in a more robust fashion, to prevent unnecessary forced logoffs
- Standardize the display of provider name across the application (LastName, FirstName Credentials)
Problems ICD-10 to SNOMED-CT Mapping
Quick Reference Problem Mapping July 2016- Required for Meaningful Use! Users are encouraged to begin mapping
- Allow admins to map ICD-10 codes to comparable SNOMED-CT codes
- Display tenths of an inch and tenths of a pound for height/weight/waist fields
- Allow deleting vitals
- Clarify BMI and BMI percentile fields as read-only, calculated values
escribeHOST 6.5
Wednesday, June 29th, 2016Mobile
- Allow user to toggle between mobile ESH and desktop ESH on the login screen
- Full-screen display of documents (top-right corner now has [X] button to close document)
- Optimize document display for both "portrait" and "landscape" orientations
- Optimize header spacing to fit more on screen
- Optimize Med List for mobile
- Allow administrators to remove provider-user linkings (in case of error)
- Improve warnings on provider-user linking
escribeHOST 6.4.2
Thursday, June 23rd, 2016- Prevent inactive users from logging in
escribeHOST 6.4.1
Thursday, June 16th, 2016- Fix a bug where even briefly losing internet connection would result in user logout.
escribeHOST 6.4
Thursday, June 9th, 2016Admin Add User
Quick Reference Add User June 2016
Quick Reference Link Provider to User June 2016
Quick Reference Orders June 2016- Allow account administrators to create new users in the Users Admin UI
- Allow linking a user to an account provider
- Improve display of document name in the document list
- Improve resolution in "New" PDF document viewer
- Persist user choice of "Old" or "New" PDF document viewer using cookies
Demographics and Chart Header
- Group the list of Preferred Languages
- Display date deceased and date transferred in chart header
- Allow users to type immediately in the Add Note popup
- Update Order status in the list immediately upon save
Reports generated
- Nuclear Stress/BMI Report for CCA
- CT Summary Report for CCA
- Active Patients on Digoxin / Lanoxin for CCA.
- Medication Concerns Report for Coumadin/warfarin/Eliquis/etc. for CCA
- Unresolved Tasks Count by Recipient for AVG
Admin Locations
- Added a column for Orders to the Locations Settings section of Admin (same initial settings as documents)
- Update left-side chart section selector when canceling demographics edit
- Clear chart proactively when navigating away from the patient
- Do not display default values in test field in Add Order popup
- Add framework for ESH mobile platform
escribeHOST 6.3
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016Improvements
- ICD-10 and all other searchable fields in notes display up to 30 matches (increased from 10)
- Add Transferred Date to the Status box in Demographics.
- Add recipients to 'Weekly MU Note Report' and 'Daily Documents In-Progress Report'
- Increase width of patient chart sections to fill the screen and not cut off the right side on certain monitors
- Show a dash temporarily for patient name when loading a different patient, instead of question marks
New features
- Allow deleting lab/radiology orders
- Display office location in lab/radiology orders
- Add keyboard up/down navigation to lab/radiology orders
- Organize preferred language choices into 4 sections:
(1)'English' and 'Spanish', (2)'Declined' and 'Other', (3)common languages, (4)everything else - Prompt user when closing browser tab while entering data in popup
- Prompt user when navigating away using browser back button while entering data
Bug fixes, misc
- Display provider name in a consistent format (Last, First Credentials)
- Update patient chart header info when saving changes to demographics, and persist those changes when navigating within the chart
- Clarify error message on the Account Provider popup if the Zip Code is invalid
- Temporarily remove Meaningful Use Report tool from Admin UI
- Initial preparation for faster export chart and batch indexing
escribeHOST 6.2.2
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016- Fix severe patient chart header mismatch error
- Fix freezing in patient charts (non-responsive ui due to glasspanel)
escribeHOST 6.2.1
Thursday, May 5th, 2016- Fix sending incorrect customer-support error email when patient simply has no scheduled visit
- Fix bug where logging out would continue to attempt to unlock open office visits repeatedly
escribeHOST 6.2
Thursday, April 28th, 2016- Added Laboratory and Radiology/Imaging Orders chart section
- Include all charts accessed in recent charts tool
- Improve browser navigation prompts to prevent lost work
- Patient chart navigation and browser history/url improvements
- Updated choices for patient's preferred language
escribeHOST 6.1.1
Thursday, April 21st, 2016- Enhance diagnostic logging of EPCS controlled substance prescribing
- Enhance diagnostic logging of document indexing
- Expanded and fixed bugs in language list
escribeHOST 6.1
Thursday, April 7th, 2016- Increase the usable height of patient charts, particularly documents
- Increase the width of fields in some popups (e.g.: Import Document popup)
- Fix document tab display in Internet Explorer
- Clarify messages on automatic logout
- Fix display of really long addresses in Medical Provider Admin views
- Improve layout of search fields in Audit Log
- Update Date of Service in document tab when changing DOS in existing documents
- Include all providers, instead of account-only, in PCP when creating a new chart
- Include all providers, instead of account-only, in the Import Document popup.
- Fix bug where more than one pharmacy can appear to be selected
- Include regular provider for patient in New Task popup
- Clarify message for unsupported browsers
- Update display of patient tasks when editing date of birth
- Add age in months for patients under 1 year of age
- Do not add empty entry in the Audit Log for race when race has not changed
- Fix MRN display issue
- Fix migration issue involving typo in race for 'Black or African American'
escribeHOST 6.0.1
Friday, April 1st, 2016- Fix patient chart export
escribeHOST 6.0
Friday, March 25th, 2016Login
v6.0 overview video
How to activate a provider in EPCS
How to send controlled substance rx- New Login page with new color scheme and a cleaner look
- Logout page replaced by a fresh Login page to eliminate a click
- New "Activity Timeout" page
Landing Page
- Esthetic and element placement changes on the Landing Page (all functions preserved)
- New color on Banner Bar: Patient Lookup moved left, username moved right, new logout tool
- New color on Module Bar: All tools display but disabled if user does not have permission
Patient Charts
- Renamed "Patient Charts" module button to "Charts"
- Disable "Charts" module tool if no chart is open yet
- Patient search displays more matches (24 instead of previous 10)
- New color on Patient Chart Header Bar
- Patient name changed to "First Middle Last" on Patient Chart Header Bar
- Patient Chart Header Bar element placement changes (all functions preserved)
- Patient Chart vertical tool bar is icon-only, with description on mouse-over
- Problems and Growth Charts sections removed from patient charts
- Middle Initial changed to Middle Name
- Patient race is multi-select instead of allowing only one choice per patient
- Added "U" for patient sex unknown
- New fields in Demographics: Mother's Maiden Name, Mother's First Name, Payer
- New Patient Chart popup reflects changes in Demographics (Sex, Race)
- Tab links to open documents moved to top of open chart
Medications and Med Concerns
- Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS) implemented
- Meds: "Mark No Changes" button is now "Mark Reconciled" button
- Med Concerns: Added a "Last Modified" date field to the landing page
- Med Concerns: Changed the "Mark No Changes" button to "Mark Reconciled"
- New look for the Contraindications Alerts page (same functionality)
- Provider admin split into "Account Provider Library" and "Outside Provider Library"
- Account Provider Library allows management of EPCS permissions for Prescribers
- Audit Log allows user to filter by Login and Logout actions
Browser Navigation
- Implemented use of Back/Forward buttons in the browser to move between pages
- Implemented use of bookmark-able URLs for many pages within escribeHOST
escribeHOST 5.29
Monday, February 15th, 2016- Drug Library Update
- New task types under "Reading Worklist" area
- Fix duplicate encounter PHR storage issue
- Enhance logging of nightly publishing
- Fix display issue in advanced search
escribeHOST 5.28
Friday, November 20th, 2015- Add message to resolved ask notes indicating that recipients will not be notified
- Add editable per-user note to permission management administration screen
- Fix bug preventing new providers from obtaining SPI
escribeHOST 5.27
Wednesday, October 28th, 2015- Fix automatic setting of date of service in some scanned reports
- New Task types: "Admission Request", "External Report Imaging Request", "Billing Administrative", "Scheduling Request", "Surgery Procedure Inquiry", "Hospital Admission Notification", "Nuclear Medicine", "Physician Feedback"
escribeHOST 5.26
Friday, September 25th, 2015- eScribe Migration to Amazon Web Services
escribeHOST 5.25
Thursday, May 14th, 2015- Add document indexing auditing capabilities
- New Task types: "Hospital Procedures Order", "Transitional Care Management", "Disability Form Request"
- Document PDF upload changes in preparation for future release of "Date Scanned" field
escribeHOST 5.24.1
Sunday, January 11th, 2015- Fix scheduling batch office note PDF download
escribeHOST 5.24
Monday, December 8th, 2014- Add task types: "Appointment No Show", "Venous Doppler Ultrasound", "Annual Physical"
- Add scheduling batch office note PDF download
escribeHOST 5.23
Monday, September 22nd, 2014- Fix spell check field swap error in entry form
- Add unmatched HL7 reports to the batch indexing queue
- Add special document type for external HL7 interfaces
- Fix 'unknown' date parsing in HL7 messages
escribeHOST 5.22
Tuesday, July 8th, 2014- Fix an error with invalid connections in tasks, when adding self and resolving.
- Fix failure in create clinical summary for certain patients.
escribeHOST 5.21
Thursday, May 22nd, 2014- Improve external HL7 interfaces
escribeHOST 5.20
Thursday, March 20th, 2014- Add option to 'Export' menu to send a 'Notify' task for a specific document
- Improve error message for Surescripts/RxHub eligibility failures
escribeHOST 5.19
Thursday, January 30th, 2014- Removed the J/K hotkeys from being used to navigate Page Up/Page Down
- Drug library update for February 2014
- Add optional fax cover page and custom cover page message
escribeHOST 5.18.1
Monday, January 13th, 2014- Fixed an issue with the document indexing document list being incorrect
escribeHOST 5.18
Thursday, January 9th, 2014- Drug library update for January 2014
- Added in the ability to view the currently pending indexing jobs
- Reworked signed URL generation
- Certain documents received through HL7 will now have better document names
- Added in support for specifying Date Scanned in the batch indexing module
See Date Scanned Release for a walkthrough of the changes. - Improved the loading time of batch indexing
- Improved support for PDFs in the new viewer
- Added a new Workers Comp Progress task type
- When a user archives an unresolved task that user will be removed as a recipient, archiving resolved tasks works the same way as it previously did
See Archive Tasks Delete Self for a walkthrough of the changes. - Indexing now properly refreshes the signed URLs
escribeHOST 5.17.3
Friday, December 20th, 2013- Perform document indexing in the background to allow users to continue indexing.
escribeHOST 5.17.2
Wednesday, December 18th, 2013- Download pdf files without requiring the user to click the link provided
- Fix error when clicking "Patient Chart" in "Document Ready for Review" tasks
- Reduce extraneous logging on the backend to increase performance
escribeHOST 5.17.1
Friday, December 13th, 2013- Fix occasional error notice in document indexing.
escribeHOST 5.17
Thursday, December 12th, 2013- Add the ability to hide retired office locations. See Controlling Places of Service for a walkthrough of the changes.
- Show providers their unsigned reports without typing their own name.
- Do not show 'No Documents' while documents are being fetched.
- Upgrade document storage hardware.
escribeHOST 5.16.2
Friday, December 6th, 2013- Fixed an error with viewing larger images in patient documents.
escribeHOST 5.16.1
Tuesday, November 26th, 2013- Fixed an issue with Document Ready for Review tasks not going to the document
escribeHOST 5.16
Thursday, November 21st, 2013- Drug library update for December 2013
- Fixed the tab key in the document indexing module
- Improved the performance of creating image based documents
- Reworked the lab task handling to reduce their redundancy
- Added CC'ed providers to the fax popup
escribeHOST 5.15.1
Tuesday, November 5th, 2013- Fixed an error with viewing larger images in document indexing.
escribeHOST 5.15
Thursday, October 31st, 2013- Drug library update for November 2013
- Fixed an error when approving an eRx refill request
- Electronic drug history from RxHub/Surescripts has been enabled
- Improved the quality of image based reports
escribeHOST 5.14.1
Friday, October 11th, 2013- Fixed an issue with loading patient accounts
- Fixed a Surescripts validation issue relating to a prescriber's credentials being too long
- Fixed an issue with the document sort list not filtering correctly
escribeHOST 5.14
Thursday, October 10th, 2013- Enhanced the carry forward summary field display
- Improved the process of creating an Office Note from the schedule
- Spell checking now properly enables the Save button
- Expedite in Unsigned Reports now goes to the next report
- The Create/Edit Snippets permission now properly enables the Admin tab
- Electronic drug history through Surescripts/RxHub has been disabled until next release
- Fixed an issue with deleting documents in the documents list
Surescripts 10.6
escribeHOST has been certified on the latest version of Surescripts (eRx)
- The therapy list in Medications now shows the last issued rx's date and pharmacy (or printed)
- Mail order pharmacies can now be searched
- Pharmacies can now be searched on by type (Mail Order, Retail, 24 Hour, etc.)
- Provider management of Surescripts specific data has been improved, see Surescripts 10.6 Provider Admin
- Open eRx refill requests now show the prescribed and dispensed drug, pharmacy, and provider
- See Surescripts 10.6 Changes for a walkthrough of the changes.
Due to the upgrade any old eRxs not approved/denied by Thursday October 10, 2013 will not work
escribeHOST 5.13.1
Thursday, October 3rd, 2013- Fixed a rare data corruption issue with documents
escribeHOST 5.13
Thursday, September 19th, 2013- Drug library update for October 2013
- Unsupported browsers can now view a read only medications list
- Locked encounters no longer prevent you from seeing the published view
- Fixed an issue with displaying medications in published notes
escribeHOST 5.12
Thursday, August 29th, 2013- The old PDF/Image viewer has been made the default
- Improved the performance of loading images in the documents section
- Fixed an issue where pressing the Cancel button in the documents section would not warn you about losing unsaved changes
- Improved the validation of data entry in the indexing section
- Improved Date of Service validation in the documents section
- Improved the speed of editing/creating documents
escribeHOST 5.11
Thursday, August 8th, 2013- Drug library update for August 2013
- Tag applier scroll position doesn't reset anymore when applying tags at the bottom
- Changes to appointments are now audited
- Fixed an issue with UI elements becoming hidden when the browser window is small
- The link to a patient in the schedule module now works properly after matching the patient
- Added the Prior Authorization task types Angiogram, Venous Procedure, and Vascular Surgery
escribeHOST 5.10
Friday, July 19th, 2013- Improved the interface such that only areas containing content will scroll, rather than the entire page. For example, the patient header will stay visible at the top while scrolling the document list.
- A checkmark now appears next to snippet tags that have been applied to the document.
- Fixed issue with trying to add the same task recipient multiple times.
- Fixed issue with editing Deceased Date.
- Fixed issue where allowing popups in IE 6–8 logged the user out.
- Fixed the ‘Nav not initialized’ error that appeared while editing a document.
- Fatal document errors are now properly handled to reduce confusion.
escribeHOST 5.9
Thursday, June 27th, 2013- The app has a refreshed design, including a new logo and font. It is also now more consistently referred to by its full name, ‘escribeHOST’.
- The app header elements have been rearranged and redesigned to be more usable.
- Logging out via the user menu no longer prompts before logging out.
- The interface for filtering documents has been updated to make better use of screen space.
- Improved the performance of the Tasks module.
- Fixed case where techs’ appointments were imported with the wrong provider.
- Fixed many minor error-producing issues.
- Drug library update for July 2013.
escribeHOST 5.8
Thursday, June 6th, 2013- Added integration with the FAXAGE fax service.
- Med allergies and other concerns are now included in the printed med list.
- Overdue tasks are now displayed at the top of task lists.
- Made the initial load of the Schedule faster.
- Fixed performance issues in the Snippets admin interface.
- Drug library update for June 2013.
- Other minor fixes.
escribeHOST 5.7.4
Friday, May 24th, 2013- Expanded the number of tasks shown within a patient’s chart from 15 to 50.
- Duplicate tags will no longer appear in snippet admin.
- Fixed regression where starring and unstarring tasks did not appear to work.
- Fixed regression that broke advanced patient search in some cases.
escribeHOST 5.7.3
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013- Fixed regression that prevented exporting documents as CCDs.
- Fixed regression where Clinical Summaries were created in the In Progress state.
escribeHOST 5.7.2
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013- Fixed regression that caused Clinical Summaries to be created improperly.
- Fixed regression that prevented finding possible duplicate patients when creating new charts.
escribeHOST 5.7.1
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013- Fields are now ordered properly within their section in snippet admin templates.
- Navigating between field groups that were reordered now behaves as expected.
- Fixed regression that prevented adding med concerns.
escribeHOST 5.7
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013Snippets
Snippets are groups of field values that can be applied to any document containing those fields. Snippets will start as a replacement of existing Macros functionality, and lay the groundwork for a more robust mechanism for quickly entering commonly-used data throughout escribeHOST.
- Create, edit, and organize snippets in a new Admin module.
- Quickly and easily apply one or several snippets to a document with a few clicks or keystrokes.
- Create small, reusable snippet sets that can be combined in different ways for specific scenarios using a new tagging system.
- Watch the Intro to Snippets training video for a visual walkthrough of applying snippets.
Other Improvements
- Improved performance of Tasks, particularly when loading recipients and comments.
- Improved document spellchecking. The spelling error count now updates as corrections are made. If there are no misspellings, normal edit mode is automatically resumed. Ignoring a word now correctly does so across the entire document.
- Quickly jumping to document sections is now done via a flyout menu, allowing more space for the form fields.
- Added a toggle for expanding or collapsing all document sections.
- The document form design has been streamlined, with better styling of repeatable groups.
- It is now possible to remove and reorder repeatable document form sections.
- Text fields that only accept certain values now better indicate when one of those values is chosen.
- Changed the auto-expedite rules to explicitly auto-expedite whitelisted reports, rather than exclude blacklisted ones.
escribeHOST 5.6.1
Friday, April 26th, 2013- Fixed 5.6 regression with loading PDF encounters.
- Fixed 5.6 regression that caused research studies to fail to load.
escribeHOST 5.6
Thursday, April 25th, 2013Med Favorites
- It is now possible to choose a favorite when adding a med without prescribing it.
- Search terms are now matched against the entire rx, including the provider.
- Search results are sorted by relevance.
- The search scope (Provider or Account) no longer needs to be specified.
- See Med Favorites Update for a walkthrough of the changes.
Signing Reports
- Signing is now one-click.
- Signing a report will now always notify the ordering/referring physician, if applicable.
- Removed support for signing reports from non-provider accounts.
- See Signing Reports Update for a walkthrough of the changes.
Other Improvements
- Added support for deceased date in patient demographics.
- Added the task types ‘Reading Worklist - MUGA’ and ‘Reading Worklist - Holter Monitor’.
- Made it easier to handle demographics updates that have SSN violations.
- Fixed an issue with requesting an SPI for a provider.
- Export chart download link now works properly in Google Chrome.
- Fixed a rare issue that would cause errors when multiple users edit the same therapies at the same time.
- Drug Library Update for May 2013.
escribeHOST 5.5.1
Monday, April 15th, 2013- Fixed case where some browsers redirected patients to the EHR login screen instead of the PHR. The PHR can now be accessed at a friendlier URL: portal.escribe.com/phr.
- Other minor fixes.
escribeHOST 5.5
Thursday, April 4th, 2013- JPEG and PNG files can now be uploaded into a patient's chart or through Document Indexing.
- Fixed a rare issue that would occur when viewing comparative labs causing them to not appear.
- Fixed a rare issue that would occur when Meds or Med Concerns was updated while the user was still loading the section.
- Drug Library Update for April 2013
escribeHOST 5.4
Thursday, March 14th, 2013- CDPHP NQF 0073 calculation.
- Medstreaming documents no longer generate success tasks when they succeed.
- Lab results from NEH correctly report abnormality within the task body.
- Task search now has the ability to search for tasks with certain recipients.
- It is now much easier to narrow a task search down to a few types.
- All encounters in a chart can be exported to a single PDF by going to Actions -> Export Chart.
escribeHOST 5.3
Thursday, February 21st, 2013- Mobile Safari no longer appears supported.
- Certain key presses now function properly when viewing a PDF and searching for a patient.
- Fixed issue that prevented downloading certain files.
escribeHOST 5.2
Thursday, January 31st, 2013- Reports can be removed from the PHR.
- All of a patient's lab results can be viewed in the Lab Results chart section.
Friday, January 11th, 2013- Fixed issue where, in certain browsers, documents’ entry forms continually scrolled themselves up and down.
escribeHOST 5.1.10
Thursday, January 10th, 2013- Hide tasks until they are due. escribeHOST will now automatically unhide any task due tomorrow, today, or some time in the past. In addition it is now possible to create a task that is initially hidden to all recipients. These two features can be used in tandem to create time-delayed tasks that will not appear in your inbox until they are about to be due.
- It is now possible to change or remove a task’s due date after the task is created.
- Visit, procedure, and lab documents are now listed in a single ‘Documents’ chart section.
- Fixed issue where keyboard navigation stopped working when a radio button field was focused.
escribeHOST 5.1.9
Thursday, December 20th, 2012- It is now possible to manually match incoming lab results to the proper patient and provider if escribeHOST’s attempt to do so automatically fails.
- Patients’ names in the Schedule list now link to their charts.
- Fixed a rendering issue in the PDF viewier.
Wednesday, December 5th, 2012- Fixed issue that prevented escribeHOST from loading in IE.
Tuesday, December 4th, 2012- Fixed and re-enabled the new PDF viewer for scanned batches.
- Fixed issue where the Complete Report permission was necessary to Sign and Notify.
- Fixed issue where the PDF viewer stopped working after many PDFs were loaded.
Thursday, November 29th, 2012- Disabled the new PDF viewer for scanned batches while a fix is developed.
escribeHOST 5.1.8
Thursday, November 29th, 2012- It is now possible to zoom and rotate PDF pages directly in escribeHOST. In addition to improving the PDF viewing experience, this also means any batch pages that were scanned in with an incorrect orientation can be fixed before the document is indexed. Zooming and rotating are not available in Internet Explorer versions 9 and older.
- It is now possible to easily notify people when a document is ready for review via a ‘Document Ready for Review’ task. To do this when signing an encounter, click the ‘Sign and Notify’ button. The recipients of this task will include the referring MD by default but can be changed to include anyone. This task can also be created when indexing a document by clicking the ‘Complete and Notify’ button. Accessing the patient’s chart directly from the task will automatically display the document.
- Lab Failure tasks now include the sending facility’s name.
- The year selector in the date picker now extends a couple of years into the future.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
escribeHOST 5.1.7
Thursday, November 8th, 2012- Fixed issue that prevented the uploading of encounter and batch PDFs.
- Fixed issue that hid Accept/Reject Feedback buttons in tasks.
- Updated email address validation to allow .edu and other domains.
escribeHOST 5.1.6
Thursday, November 1st, 2012- Fixed issue that caused external updates to patient demographics to fail.
- Other minor fixes.
escribeHOST 5.1.5
Friday, October 19th, 2012PHR Access Management
It is now much easier to enable patients to access the PHR.
- With the press of a button, the patient’s PHR passphrase is randomly generated and login instructions are automatically emailed to the patient.
- If the patient forgets their login credentials, a new passphrase can be generated and emailed using the same interface.
- A new ‘PHR Login Info Request’ task type has been added to track these requests, if desired.
- The PHR login screen now has a dedicated URL: portal.escribe.com/ehr/#/PHR.
- For added security, patients are now required to enter their DOB in addition to their ID and passphrase in order to access the PHR.
escribeHOST 5.1.4
Thursday, October 4th, 2012- All CCDs (Clinical Summaries, Summary of Care Records, etc.) are now automatically Complete upon creation. All existing CCDs have been marked as Complete as well.
- Made the Meaningful Use Report faster.
- Patients’ DOB and MRN are now displayed in the Compliant and Non-Compliant lists in the MU Report.
escribeHOST 5.1.3
Thursday, September 20th, 2012- Allergy categories are now listed in Clinical Summaries.
- Added ‘Medication’ and ‘Durable Good’ Prior Authorization task types.
- Made the Meaningful Use Report faster.
escribeHOST 5.1.2
Tuesday, September 11th, 2012- Added support for Internet Explorer 9's rendering engine: now escribeHOST should be much faster in IE9.
- IE8 is now feature-limited. It is recommended that IE8 users upgrade to IE9 or switch to another supported, modern browser.
- Fixed errors with e-prescribing held rxs.
- Fixed issue where special characters were rendered improperly.
- Fixed issues with date range searches in Tasks and Audit Log modules.
escribeHOST 5.1.1
Thursday, August 30th, 2012- Fixed issue with deleting therapies.
- Fixed issue with setting tasks’ primary handler.
escribeHOST 5.1
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012Med Concerns
Med Concerns is a new section of the patient chart for documenting patients’ allergies, intolerances, ineligibilities, and adverse events. Med concerns are drugs, drug categories, food, or any other substances that the patient has an adverse reaction to or should not take for some other reason.
- Allergies, intolerances, and ineligibilities are no longer entered directly into the Office Note. Instead, they are automatically pulled from the Med Concerns module when the note is published.
- Each concern can be designated as Mild, Moderate, or Severe, depending on the severity of the reaction.
- When prescribing or recording new meds, the patient’s med concerns are cross-referenced and any interactions or other contraindication alerts are displayed. These alerts take the concerns’ severities into account and have been redesigned to be more succinct and noticeable. Which severities and types of contraindications are allowed to be displayed can be controlled in the Admin module.
- The Med Concerns module also has a place for entering ‘NKA’, ‘NKDA’, or ‘Substance Type Unknown’, if applicable.
Please view the training videos to learn all about the new Med Concerns module and its features.
Other Improvements
- Brand drugs, generic drugs, and drug categories now have icons associated with them to help distinguish them from each other. These icons are displayed in the Med Concerns and Meds modules. In addition, fields that suggest drug names will now prioritize generic drugs and display derived generics directly beneath the brand drugs from which they are derived.
- Drug interactions now check against drug classes in addition to drug categories and specific drugs.
- It is now possible to view contraindication alerts for an rx pending approval.
- The Audit Log has been updated with more readable entries and a simpler interface. Audit entries prior to the 5.1 release will be archived and no longer be directly accessible.
- Added ‘Referral Request’ and ‘Referral Followup’ task types.
- Made it much easier to search for tasks that are overdue.
- Office locations are now sorted alphabetically.
- Fixed typo in ‘Exercise Stress Test’ task type.
- Other minor fixes…
escribeHOST 5.0.37
Friday, July 27th, 2012- Fixed bug where extremely large documents could not be indexed.
- Fixed issue where meds that were retroactively stopped did not display correctly in published encounters.
- Added support for CQM 0043 - Pneumonia Vaccination Status for Older Adults.
- Various minor fixes…
escribeHOST 5.0.36
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012- Fixed issue where patient DOB could be incorrect when sending an erx.
escribeHOST 5.0.35
Friday, June 1st, 2012- Patient demographics updates from external systems can now be automatically applied. If an update attempt fails the data is put into a task.
- Added ‘Patient Calls - Reschedule Request’ task type.
- Improved performance of logging in to escribeHOST.
escribeHOST 5.0.34
Thursday, April 26th, 2012- Added another clinical decision support rule for certain accounts.
- Fixed issue with carrying forward field data.
- Fixed error when fetching eligibility.
escribeHOST 5.0.33
Friday, April 20th, 2012- Fixed rare issue that prevented the display of a patient’s meds.
- Fixed issues with carrying forward certain fields into Clinical Summaries.
- We now wait the proper amount of time (one hour) before displaying the Mark Verified button on open erxs.
escribeHOST 5.0.32
Monday, April 16th, 2012- Prevented data from being carried forward from Clinical Summary, Summary of Care, and Generic CCD encounters because sometimes that data is not actually the most recent.
- Fixed issue where field data could be mismatched when carrying forward repeatable fields.
escribeHOST 5.0.31
Tuesday, April 10th, 2012- Fixed bug that prevented the generation of the CQM report in some cases.
- Tasks without patients can now be printed.
- Freestanding erx errors are now displayed in the patient’s med list.
escribeHOST 5.0.30
Thursday, March 29th, 2012- Fixed issue where field data could be mismatched when carrying forward the same fields from different encounters with the same DOS.
- Fixed issue where field data could be mismatched after resolving carry forward conflicts.
escribeHOST 5.0.29
Monday, March 26th, 2012- Date fields in encounters are now properly validated before saving.
- Fixed bug where date field values would reappear after deletion.
- Fixed bugs where the ‘Save Changes’ button in encounters was visible when there were no changes and not visible when there were changes to date field values.
escribeHOST 5.0.28
Thursday, March 15th, 2012- Patients can now have multiple preferred pharmacies.
- The pharmacy search form can now be cleared.
- Reenabled copy/paste via the standard keyboard shortcuts in popups.
- Added more educational resources to some accounts.
escribeHOST 5.0.27
Monday, March 5th, 2012- Added ‘Reading Worklist’ task area and types.
- Added more educational resources to some accounts.
- Fixed various minor errors in charts.
escribeHOST 5.0.26
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012- Field names no longer appear when hovering over a field.
- Fixed various minor errors in charts, tasks, and encounters.
escribeHOST 5.0.25
Wednesday, February 15th, 2012- Fixed various minor errors in charts, tasks, and encounters.
escribeHOST 5.0.24
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012- Fixed error with loading charts introduced in 5.0.23.
escribeHOST 5.0.23
Monday, February 6th, 2012- The ‘Object Locked’ and ‘Invalid Sign Password’ error messages are now a little nicer.
- Meds that no longer exist in the drug library can no longer be eprescribed.
- Fixed various minor errors in meds and elsewhere…
escribeHOST 5.0.22
Friday, January 27th, 2012- Updated Surescripts compliance and refreshed the designs of patient eligibility and formulary information. It is now more clear what types of pharmacy services are supported by a patient’s insurance.
- The pages of an indexed encounter are now displayed in a single, scrolling view and can be navigated via the keyboard or clicking on page thumbnails.
- It is now possible to compare meds and indexed encounters side-by-side.
- While editing an encounter it is now possible to navigate to the ‘Add More’ buttons via the keyboard.
- Tasks in the ‘Transcription’ and ‘Other’ areas can now be created without reference to a patient.
- Added support for importing TPS appointments.
- Searching for a user now matches against the username (in addition to first and last name).
- Unexpected errors are now automatically emailed to the support team when the error message is dismissed.
- Fixed the styling of printed lab reports (broke in 5.0.20).
- Other minor fixes…
escribeHOST 5.0.21
Wednesday, January 11th, 2012- Added support for CQM 0062 - Diabetes: Urine Screening.
- Fixed issue that could cause escribeHOST to lock up.
escribeHOST 5.0.20
Friday, December 16th, 2011- To avoid issues that arise from printing directly from the application, all printing is now done from a separate ‘preview’ window. Help with Printing
- The chart view of research studies has been redesigned so all users will see the same information whether or not they have permission to modify the patient’s enrollment.
- It is now possible to carry forward field data from older field versions. If there are any issues or ambiguity about certain fields, the user will be prompted to make a decision. Help with Carrying Forward
- The user is now prompted about losing unsaved changes if he logs out with an encounter open.
- Removed long delay when printing an issued rx.
- Fixed issues with various CQM calculations.
escribeHOST 5.0.19
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011- Imported Schuylab reports now follow the same workflow as imported LabCorp reports.
- Order and result dates are now included in lab reports.
- Patient information is now displayed on every page of printed PDFs.
- Matching a refill request to a therapy is no longer case-sensitive.
- The deleting of meds, therapies, and rxs are now visible in the audit log.
- CQM 0027 is now listed as a single CQM with two numerators.
escribeHOST 5.0.18
Friday, November 4th, 2011- Navigating to the patient’s chart from a Lab Result task will now go directly to the results.
- Fixed a few minor issues with certain CQM calculations.
- Other minor fixes
escribeHOST 5.0.17
Thursday, October 27th, 2011- When a LabCorp lab result comes in, a task will be created to notify the designated task user group whether or not it was successfully placed in a chart. This task will also include any abnormal results.
- Made the Audit Log load faster.
- Fixed error with encounter editing keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed bug that allowed sending a held rx for a nonstandard therapy to the pharmacy.
- Fixed a few minor issues with certain CQM calculations.
escribeHOST 5.0.16
Friday, October 21st, 2011- Removed locking of Medications. Now multiple people can view and modify a patient’s meds at the same time. You will be able to see who else is currently viewing and what changes they have made in real time.
- Fixed bug that allowed issuing a held rx (or approving an erx refill request) for an unmanaged med.
- Fixed bug with filtering tasks by office location.
escribeHOST 5.0.15
Monday, October 10th, 2011- Old, erroneous refill requests have been purged from the system.
- Fixed error where Clinical Summaries were not being counted correctly.
escribeHOST 5.0.14
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011- Made the MU Report faster.
- It is now possible to attest to giving the Clinical Summary to the patient without editing the summary itself.
- Certain encounter fields now have a button to quickly clear their value.
- Fixed bug that prevented adding comments to tasks in certain cases.
escribeHOST 5.0.13
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011- Fixed error that prevented editing certain old encounters.
- Fixed bug that made it difficult to edit certain encounter fields.
- Checkbox values are now recognized in macro creation and application.
- Fixed the numbering of the MU objectives in the MU Report.
- Generating the MU Report no longer appears to fail if it takes longer than two minutes.
escribeHOST 5.0.12
Thursday, September 22nd, 2011Meaningful Use Report
The MU Report has been completely redesigned to contain more and better information.(#1409)
- Objectives and CQMs have been separated into two separate reports within the MU Report interface.
- All 25 objectives are now displayed. They are divided between the core and menu sets, each set divided between percentage- and attestation-based requirements.
- Descriptions of all objectives and CQMs are now included.
- Percentage-based objectives now include a progress bar that shows how close the provider is to meeting the requirement.
- Numerators and denominators are now labeled for those CQMs that have multiple populations.
- Added support for several CQMs.
Other improvements
- Patient eligibility information is now retrieved automatically for every patient.
- It is now possible to create a Clinical Summary of a visit that is in progress.
escribeHOST 5.0.11
Wednesday, September 14th, 2011- In a one-time update, patients’ Examiners will be set to the Examiner of their most recent Office Note.
- Patient Preferred Language can now be chosen from a list of predefined options.
- Added educational resources for some of our customers.
- Fixed various MU-related calculations.
- Fixed issue with Surescripts that caused meds to be unresponsive.
escribeHOST 5.0.10
Thursday, September 8th, 2011- Added buttons to the Patient Chart and Schedule modules for quickly creating Office Notes.
- The ability to complete encounters is now controlled by a user permission.
- Encounters that were completed can now be sent to the provider.
- Encounters that were sent to the provider now have a status of ‘Ready for Review’.
- Fixed rx favorites sort order.
- Fixed issue where held rxs would not be removed when their therapy was deleted.
escribeHOST 5.0.9
Thursday, September 1st, 2011- Fixed issue introduced in 5.0.8 where encounters would disappear after filtering.
- Fixed issue where existing encounters would not open if a new encounter was open.
- Fixed issue where months were incorrectly labeled in the date picker.
escribeHOST 5.0.8
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011- Patients can now have a default office location set in Demographics. In a one-time update, locations will be automatically populated from the most recent office note.
- When creating a new encounter the Examiner and Office Location fields are now prefilled from the patient’s demographics. Date of Service is also defaulted to today.
- It is now possible to perform exporting actions (like creating a Clinical Summary) on released encounters without having to amend them first.
- It is now possible to sign an expedited encounter without having to amend it first.
- If an encounter is in progress, it will now open directly in edit mode.
- Encounter field choices no longer detach from their field if the form is scrolled.
- Encounters now load much faster.
- It is now possible to use the Med Reconciliation advanced search to see which patient’s meds were not reconciled on a given date. In addition, the results now return the patient’s examiner as well.
- Loading and deleting meds now execute much faster.
- Streamlined the Audit Log interface.
escribeHOST 5.0.7
Monday, August 22nd, 2011- Fixed error when generating the MU Report.
- Fixed error that prevented uploading scanned batches into escribeHOST.
escribeHOST 5.0.6
Friday, August 19th, 2011- It is now possible to use Advanced Chart Search to list patients that need their meds reconciled that day.
- Pharmacies now always display whether or not they support sending new erxs and erx refill requests.
- Pharmacies that have been deleted and will no longer work now appear and behave as such.
- Made editing an encounter faster.
- Fixed bug where rxs would temporarily disappear when they were sent to the pharmacy and unverified.
- Fixed bug where some pending rxs could not be manually marked verified.
- Patient sex is now correctly marked as required for Meaningful Use.
- Other minor bug fixes…
escribeHOST 5.0.5
Tuesday, August 16th, 2011- Made loading medications faster.
- Made generating the MU Report faster.
- Now correctly prohibits writing rxs for meds that are not managed.
- Now correctly prohibits stopping therapies that have rxs awaiting authorization or pharmacy response.
- Fixed issue with drug dosage forms that would cause errors when trying to send to pharmacy.
- Amending an encounter now reverts it back to ‘In Progress’ so changes can be re-sent to the provider.
- Scanned and indexed encounters are now marked as ‘Completed’ instead of ‘In Progress’.
- Encounter sections can now be collapsed by pressing ESC.
- The idle timeout has been increased from 30 to 60 minutes.
- Other minor bug fixes…
escribeHOST 5.0.4
Friday, August 12th, 2011- Added patient contact information to the appointment view.
- Appointments are now sorted correctly after they are added or updated.
- Fixed issue where rxs sometimes printed too small.
- The interface for editing an encounter now resizes correctly.
- Fixed issue where two-digit years were not converted to the correct four-digit year.
- Made it clear that scanned and indexed encounters cannot be compared with meds at this time.
escribeHOST 5.0.3
Wednesday, August 10th, 2011- Fixed issue that prevented certain rxs from being sent to pharmacies.
- Fixed issue where a patient’s demographics could not be edited if their sex was not specified.
- An encounter’s status is now correctly updated when corrections have been requested or are ready for review.
- Reenabled the ability to search for pharmacies by a part of their phone number.
- The MU Report can now be generated for a single day.
escribeHOST 5.0.2
Tuesday, August 9th, 2011- The patient’s next appointment is now displayed in their chart.
- The problem field in advanced chart search now suggests the correct values.
- Assessments are no longer shown in the Problems chart section.
- When expanding an encounter section, the first field’s values no longer immediately appear.
escribeHOST 5.0.1
Monday, August 8th, 2011- Fixed intermittent error that prevented prescribing meds.
- Fixed issue where certain types of documents could not be indexed.
- Fixed an error that appeared when quickly navigating from a patient’s meds.
- Encounter sections that contain errors are now automatically expanded.
- Encounter sections that contain spelling suggestions are now automatically expanded.
- When an active therapy is added to a hidden med, the med now correctly becomes visible.
- Made loading a patient’s meds faster.
escribeHOST 5.0
Friday, August 5th, 2011escribeHOST 5.0 is our first major release in over two years and contains many new features, enhancements, and fixes.
Important Note About Passwords
As of this release users’ passwords will be case sensitive. The first time you log in, your password will be verified using whatever case you enter. Every time afterwards your password must be entered exactly the same. If you have any issues please contact your administrator.
Meaningful Use
escribeHOST 5.0 is the first version of escribeHOST to be ONC Certified as a Complete EHR. Many of the features and enhancements listed below are required for or related to achieving Meaningful Use. escribeHOST offers an administrative interface that helps track MU and CQM compliance.
Patient Charts
- Many chart interface elements have been reorganized: Patient name, demographics, contact information, and chart actions are now displayed along the top of the chart. Reports Quickview has been removed.
- There is now a new Advanced Patient Search feature that allows you to find patients using very specific criteria including age, sex, examiner, meds, problems, allergies, lab results, and procedures due. It is also possible to create Reminder Tasks for patients that have a visit coming up or a procedure due.
- Patient problems are now recorded as structured data in office notes and can be viewed in aggregate in a separate Problems chart section.
- Patient allergies are now recorded as structured data in office notes and can be viewed in aggregate in a separate Allergies chart section.
- It is now possible to view height, weight, and BMI growth charts for each patient using data captured in office notes.
- The Face Sheet section has been removed, since Active Meds are now part of the Medications section (explained below) and problems are now managed in office notes only.
- It is now possible to provide patients with educational resources (documents and/or websites) based on their meds, problems, allergies, and lab results.
- The following patient demographics fields have been added per Meaningful Use requirements: Race, Ethnicity, Preferred Language, and Communication Preference.
- It is now possible to search for patients, create new ones, and access recently viewed charts without first navigating to the Patient Charts module.
Patient medication management has been completely redesigned. In previous versions prescriptions were managed in Rx Pad and the med history was managed in the Active Meds section of the Face Sheet. These interfaces have been combined into a single Medications section of the patient chart. This interface is designed for viewing and editing a patient’s med history (when they started and stopped taking each med) as well as writing new prescriptions, renewing existing prescriptions, and responding to electronic refill requests.
Noteworthy features and improvements to medication management are as follows:
- View all meds or just active meds.
- View changes to meds over a period of time.
- Easily renew, prescribe a new dose, or discontinue a med.
- View side-by-side comparison of the med list and a published report.
- There is now much more granular medication information available to be published in reports.
- It is now possible to prescribe a drug that does not exist in the drug library.
- It is now much more obvious whether or not an erx was sent to and received by the pharmacy successfully.
- There is a new rx activity log that succinctly displays all the important actions that happened to an rx during its lifetime.
- When an rx that has been held for a provider is issued or deleted, the associated task is updated with a comment. If the rx is issued, the task is automatically resolved.
- The rx management process has been updated to properly account for controlled substances per Surescripts specifications.
- A warning is now displayed if a drug that is known to be a risk for the elderly is about to be prescribed to an elderly patient.
Visits, Procedures, & Labs
What was previously called "Reports" has now been split up into three different categories: Visits, Procedures, and Labs. This is to more accurately reflect what each of them are. Each one has its own chart section, and each time a visit, procedure, or lab is opened or created, a new tab is added to the chart sidebar.
- A new ‘Completed’ state has been introduced for when it doesn’t make sense for an encounter to be signed or expedited. In addition, unfinished encounters are no longer called ‘Drafts’. Instead, they are simply ‘In Progress’.
- The interface for editing an encounter has been improved: It is now much easier to jump to a specific section and navigate between sections using keyboard shortcuts.
- It is now possible to create a Clinical Summary of an office visit which can be given to a patient after the visit is recorded.
- It is now possible to create Summary of Care documents which aggregate all of a patient’s relevant health information into a single encounter. There is also a new Patient Request task type for tracking when patients request their health information.
- Immunization data is now captured in office notes and can be exported to a file for submission to immunization registries.
- Added more smoking status values per Meaningful Use requirements.
- A warning is now displayed if an uncontrolled Hemoglobin A1c level is detected for a diabetic patient.
In order to speed up access to charts at point of care, escribeHOST 5.0 introduces a new Schedule module. Use this module to:
- List the patients that have appointments scheduled for a given day.
- Schedule a patient’s next visit.
- Create an appointment for a walk-in patient.
- Quickly start or jump to an existing encounter.
- Tasks can now have a due date. You can search for tasks due within a specified time frame. Tasks that are due today look more urgent.
- It is now possible to view a patient’s tasks from within their chart.
- The patient’s contact information is now included at the bottom of each task.
- Added new task types for Lab and Radiology orders.
- The unread task count now appears in the browser tab.
- Task searches now include resolved tasks by default.
- Patients can now access health information made available by users via the PHR tab on the login screen. Information is made available by clicking the PHR button next to an encounter. The patient’s PHR password can be set in their Demographics chart section.
- It is now possible to temporarily grant a user emergency access to patient information when they would not have permission to access it otherwise.
- There is a new admin section for controlling which drug interactions are displayed based on severity level.
- There is now an audit log accessible to account administrators that keeps track of every access, creation, update, and deletion of patient data.
- The date field calendar has been improved: It is now possible to set the month and year separately. Also, the calendar no longer automatically appears when the field is focused. Instead, it appears when you click on the calendar button next to the field.
- Internet Explorer 7 users now only have access to the feature-limited version of escribeHOST.
escribeHOST 4.4.15
Friday, May 20th, 2011- Internal changes as part of improvements to our backup process.
escribeHOST 4.4.14
Wednesday, May 18th, 2011- Fixed issue where certain reports could not be saved.
escribeHOST 4.4.13
Friday, May 6th, 2011- Fixed bug where opening many reports would cause escribeHOST to become slow.
- Made receiving task updates much faster.
escribeHOST 4.4.12
Friday, April 8th, 2011- Updated Surescripts eRx compliance
- Fixed bug that prevented adding or updating a provider.
escribeHOST 4.4.11
Friday, April 1st, 2011- Added two new task types: ‘Heart Failure Clinic’ and ‘Transcription Clarification Request.’
- Names of inactive providers will now be prefixed by an asterisk (*).
- Fixed issue where some report data was not carrying forward in Firefox 4.
escribeHOST 4.4.10
Friday, February 18th, 2011- Internal enhancements regarding batchscanning and erx reporting.
escribeHOST 4.4.9
Thursday, February 3rd, 2011- Images in scanned reports are now displayed more reliably.
escribeHOST 4.4.8
Tuesday, February 1st, 2011- Fixed issue where brand new tasks could appear resolved.
escribeHOST 4.4.7
Sunday, January 30th, 2011- Loading rx favorites is now much faster.
- Made printing in Google Chrome more reliable.
- Fixed bug where clicking on menu items did not work in Internet Explorer.
- The word ‘null’ is no longer printed on rxs if the provider does not have a phone number.
escribeHOST 4.4.6
Thursday, January 27th, 2011- Fixed issue where patient eligibility and drug history requests could not find the provider.
- Background images are no longer printed.
- Re-enabled printing in Google Chrome.
- Fixed possible error that could prevent printing an rx.
escribeHOST 4.4.5
Wednesday, January 26th, 2011Address Change
The escribeHOST application is now located at portal.escribe.com/ehr/. (#354, #898)
Document Indexing
- Redesigned the Document Indexing interface to provide more screen real estate for viewing pages.
- The interface no longer jumps around.
- Loading the batch list is now much faster.
- Completing a document is now much faster.
- Fixed bugs with the batch page controls.
Other Improvements
- Tasks no longer stretch in size while recipients are loading.
- Improved performance of displaying a list of tasks.
- Added new Patient Calls and Prior Authorization task types.
- The PCP and Examiner fields are now properly cleared when creating new charts.
- Fixed bug where importing data from reports into a new report could cause escribeHOST to hang.
- Streamlined the process for pushing escribeHOST updates and warning of scheduled downtime.
- Error pages are now more useful.
- Improved drug API error messages.
escribeHOST 4.4.4
Thursday, December 16th, 2010- Made the loading of tasks faster.
- Made the loading of rx favorites faster.
- Fixed an issue where buttons display as ovals in some browsers.
- Fixed an error with storing fax preferences.
- Major upgrade of our report-building engine.
escribeHOST 4.4.3
Monday, November 1st, 2010- Resolved a potential issue with routing response messages to Surescripts’s ePrescribing Network.
escribeHOST 4.4.2
Wednesday, October 27th, 2010- Fixed bug that prevented the deletion of scanned document batches.
- System tasks with no default user groups now go to the correct Account Admins.
- Fixed bug that prevented editing of a patient’s demographics if they did not have a DOB.
- Improved Surescripts error messages.
- Fixed harmless but annoying JavaScript error
escribeHOST 4.4.1
Friday, October 1st, 2010- Added two new task types: ‘Inpatient Prior Authorization’ and ‘Outpatient Prior Authorization’.
- Providers will no longer be automatically added to their eRx tasks.
- When indexing a batch, it is now possible to specify which fields should persist across documents.
- Indexed documents can now have a DOS before 1980.
- System-generated tasks that do not have an associated Task User Group will now be sent to Administrators. This will prevent those tasks from being unseen by everyone.
- Fixed error when obtaining a provider’s Surescripts Provider ID.
- Fixed error when setting a patient’s preferred pharmacy.
- Fixed error when searching for tasks.
- Fixed error when adding yourself to a task.
- Other various fixes…
escribeHOST 4.4
Friday, September 24th, 2010Task User Groups
Previously the rules for who received certain types of tasks were strictly controlled by the system and not easily modified. Now account administrators have the ability to create groups of users and designate them as default groups for certain types of tasks. When creating a new task, the default user group for the selected type will be automatically added to the list of recipients.
Speed Improvements
Many actions in escribeHOST have been tweaked to execute much faster, including:
- Loading tasks
- Loading a patient chart
- Editing patient demographics
- Loading a list of reports
- Report spellchecking
- Editing rxs
- Fetching rx formulary and benefits information
- Searching users
- Typing in stretchable textboxes
- It is now possible to print a task.
- Tasks now display peoples’ full names instead of just their first names.
- New and improved interface for creating a task.
- The Search section now remembers the last-used search criteria.
- Providers are now automatically included on their system tasks.
- The notification that more than one person has the same task open is now less alarming.
- The ‘View patient chart’ links in rx tasks now go directly to the patient’s Rx Pad.
- Tasks scroll position is now remembered in Safari and Google Chrome.
Patient Charts
- It is now possible to view more results of a patient search. Previously only the first nine results were shown.
- When creating a new chart, existing possible duplicate charts are now shown.
- It is now possible to close the currently active chart.
- Internet Explorer 6 users now have limited access to patient demographics and reports.
- Fixed incorrect date displays in patient demographics and reports.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of charts.
- It is now possible to download any report as a PDF.
- Brand name and generic drugs have been added to the spellcheck dictionary.
- It is now possible to view a plain text version of a published report.
- ‘Carrying forward’ reports is now more accurately described as ‘importing data’.
- It is now possible to forcefully clear a medication field in a report.
- Fixed bug where trying to delete a newly-created report would produce an error.
- The legacy ‘Date Prescribed’ field has been removed from new and existing rxs. It was often inaccurate and completely unused in the printing and sending of rxs to pharmacies. The ‘Renewed’ date field is now more accurately named ‘Last Written’.
- Previously-written rxs’ SIG and DAW are now editable.
- The position of an rx no longer changes after it has been modified.
- The ‘Write + Print’ button is now available on modified rxs.
- Modifications to rxs are now recorded as system comments.
- When denying an erx refill request, the reason and note are now added to the task.
- Prevented possible Surescripts errors by blocking illegal characters (newline and tab) from being entered into rx SIG and Comment fields.
- Fixed possible rx data corruption with concurrent erx refill requests.
- Formulary copay dollar amounts are now properly truncated.
- Fixed ordering of rx system comments.
- Printing an Rx Activity Log no longer requires the ‘Print Rx’ user permission.
- Rejecting a new rx or refill request no longer requires the ‘Delete Rx’ user permission.
- It is no longer possible to set a patient’s preferred pharmacy without the ‘Patient Demographics’ user permission.
- There is now a new Account Admin module containing new and improved interfaces for managing users, providers, and task user groups.
- escribeHOST now supports Canadian mailing addresses for providers.
- Provider and user search term matching have been improved.
- Fixed multiple cases where horizontal scrolling was triggered.
- Dozens of other bug fixes and enhancements…
escribeHOST 4.3.5
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010- Fixed crashes when using Safari 5.
- Fixed server push synchrony issues.
escribeHOST 4.3.4
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010- Fixed issue where downloading PDFs would cause real-time task updates to fail.
escribeHOST 4.3.3
Friday, June 11th, 2010Enhancements
- Document Types are now sorted alphabetically.
- escribeHOST now supports sending eRxs to select Mail Order Pharmacies: CVS Caremark, Express Scripts, and Medco
- Signing a report takes too long in some cases.
- Signing a report does not appear to register in some cases.
- Certain report buttons are accessible at incorrect times.
- Not possible to edit certain report fields in Internet Explorer.
- Sessions are not ended cleanly when leaving escribeHOST.
- Free-standing eRx verify tasks have the wrong subject text.
- Rxs in Rx Pad are ordered in a confusing way.
escribeHOST 4.3.2
Tuesday, May 18th, 2010Fixes
- Fixed issues where real-time updates to tasks were not applied.
escribeHOST 4.3.1
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010Fixes
- Fixed the erroreneous hiding of certain test dates in some patient visit datasheets
- The flow of editing reports in Unsigned Reports is improved
escribeHOST 4.3
Sunday, April 11th, 2010New Feature: Search All Tasks
It is now possible to search for and view all tasks. Previously, you could only see tasks you were on. Task Search now defaults to searching all tasks. To change this, select Only My Tasks in the Searching dropdown. You may not add a comment, resolve, star, or perform any other actions on a task you are not on. However, you can easily add yourself to a task by clicking the Add Me button. (#166, #236, #262)
- When navigating to and from Tasks, escribeHOST now remembers which task you were last working on and will scroll that task into view.
- There is now visual indication to remind you on which tasks you are awaiting feedback.
- The patient’s DOB is now included in the task subject.
- The Acknowledge button at the bottom of a task is now much less prominent.
- The Tasks navigation menu now displays the number of unread and total tasks in your inbox, as well as the number of unread and total tasks you have starred.
- The X button on each task now archives the task. Previously it would only hide it until the next update. To hide the task until the next update, select “Hide for now” in the task’s actions menu.
- It is now possible to undo resolving a task for up to 15 seconds. Previously it was only 5 seconds.
- The Show Hidden checkbox in Tasks now displays the number of hidden tasks in the current view.
- “Clear Resolved” has been renamed “Archive Resolved” to more clearly communicate what should happen when it is clicked.
- When writing a new rx, the ‘Add to Active Meds’ checkbox is now checked by default.
- Improved help text in the new rx form to make it more clear that Insurance Plan is only necessary for mail-order pharmacies.
- Formulary and benefits information retrieval should now be much faster.
- The printed rx now displays quantity and refills as both digits and words, for example: “30 (thirty) tablets”.
- The ability to add and/or delete rx favorites is now controlled by a separate user permission.
- It is no longer necessary to type leading zeros when searching for a patient by DOB. For example, “3/1/1968” will now match a patient born on 03/01/1968.
- Added a “Same” checkbox for each med in the printed medsheet.
- It is now possible to print a report from the list of reports. Previously, you had to open the report in order to print it.
- Document categories have been updated to make more sense.
- The ability to add and/or delete report macros is now controlled by a separate user permission.
- It is no longer necessary to leave Unsigned Reports in order to edit a report.
- It is now immediately apparent when the system resolves a task. Previously, the update did not happen until the next time you logged in.
- Should no longer receive an error when ignoring a pharmacy erx response.
- When holding an rx for the provider, the provider is now properly added to the task.
- Characters entered into certain report fields are no longer duplicated.
- When writing new rxs, the Provider field is no longer cleared after writing each rx.
- Certain ICD9 codes are no longer missing from certain published reports.
- The quirky behavior of the “All” link in the From… feedback dropdown has been fixed.
- It is no longer possible for parts of overlaid dialogs to be off-screen.
- Patient demographics no longer displays a “Cancel editing?” prompt at inappropriate times.
- Pharmacy search results are now properly cleared.
- Non-Reimbursable drugs should no longer appear in the list of alternatives.
- Improved enforcement of minimum and maximum lengths of certain demographics fields.
- Tabbing between fields in the new chart dialog now behaves as expected.
- Newly-created charts no longer block other users from editing its demographics.
- Fixed an issue with erx approvals not being properly received by the pharmacy.
- Fixed an issue with some dates having the wrong month after processing.
- Fixed an error which prevented editing of authorized providers in some cases.
- Various other fixes